Crowd HTML Elements - Amazon Mechanical Turk

Crowd HTML Elements

Crowd HTML Elements are web components, a web standard that abstracts HTML markup, CSS, and JavaScript functionality into an HTML tag or set of tags. This allows you to build powerful task interfaces more easily.

To use Crowd HTML Elements you must include the following in your task HTML.

<script src=""></script>  

This imports the library and gives you access to all of the elements. You can then replace the form element in your HTML with the crowd-form element as shown below. In this example, we have the same task interface as the one described in the previous section, but the HTML is simplified because the crowd-form element encapsulates the necessary code to direct where the response will be submitted, includes the assignmentId, and automatically adds a Submit button if it's not present.

<!DOCTYPE html> <script src=""></script> <crowd-form>   <p>Describe the current weather where you live</p>   <p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> </crowd-form>  

Crowd HTML Elements includes a range of elements ranging from wrappers for common form elements such as text fields and check boxes (crowd-input and crowd-checkbox), to full task interfaces for tasks such as drawing bounding boxes on images (crowd-bounding-box) and text entity annotation (crowd-entity-annotation).

For a full list of the available elements, see the Crowd HTML Elements Reference.