Troubleshooting your Microsoft Yammer connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Microsoft Yammer connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft Yammer connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
YMR-5001 Authentication error. Provide a valid client id, client secret, username, password.
YMR-5002 Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Provide a valid username and password.
YMR-5003 Error validating credentials due to invalid client id or client secret. Provide valid client id and client secret.
YMR-5004 Access token is empty or null . Provide non-empty or non-null access token .
YMR-5100 Null/empty client id. Provide client id.
YMR-5101 Null/empty client secret. Provide client secret.
YMR-5102 Null/empty username. Provide username.
YMR-5103 Null/empty password. Provide password .
YMR-5104 Null/empty since date. Provide sinceDate .
YMR-5105 invalid sinceDate format. since date format should be like YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
YMR-5106 Empty/null Repository configurations. Provide Repository configurations.
YMR-5107 Empty/null message entity in repository configuration. Provide message entity in repository configuration.
YMR-5108 Empty/null Attachment entity in repository configuration. Provide attachment entity in repository configuration.
YMR-5109 Empty/null message entity field mapping. Provide message entity field mapping.
YMR-5110 Empty/null attachment entity field mapping. Provide attachment entity field mapping.
YMR-5111 Empty/null indexFieldName, indexFieldType or dataSourceFieldName in message entity. Provide value for indexFieldName, indexFieldType and dataSourceFieldName in message entity.
YMR-5112 Empty/null indexFieldName, indexFieldType or dataSourceFieldName in attachment entity. Provide value for indexFieldName, indexFieldType and dataSourceFieldName in message entity.
YMR-5113 Invalid patterns in the regex. Provide valid regex patterns.
YMR-5114 Since date should be less than current date. Provide since date less than current date.
YMR-5115 Only String, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. Provide String, Date and Long formats for field mappings.
YMR-5116 Null/empty Network Domain. Provide Network Domain.
YMR-5117 Got error while building groups. Refer to logs for more information.
YMR-5118 Configuration found null during change access token. Please provide valid configurations.
YMR-5119 Unable to connect to Yammer account. Refer to logs for more details.
YMR-5120 An error occurred during the test connection. Refer to logs for more details.
YMR-5500 Bad zip entry. Provide a valid zip file.
YMR-5501 Invalid URI. Provide valid URI.
YMR-5502 ContinuableInternalServerError. Try again later.