Exemples d'utilisation de API l'outil Converse - Amazon Bedrock

Les traductions sont fournies par des outils de traduction automatique. En cas de conflit entre le contenu d'une traduction et celui de la version originale en anglais, la version anglaise prévaudra.

Exemples d'utilisation de API l'outil Converse

Vous pouvez utiliser la Converse API pour permettre à un modèle d'utiliser un outil dans une conversation. Procédez comme suit : Python des exemples montrent comment utiliser un outil qui renvoie la chanson la plus populaire sur une station de radio fictive. L'exemple Converse montre comment utiliser un outil de manière synchrone. L'ConverseStreamexemple montre comment utiliser un outil de manière asynchrone. Pour d'autres exemples de code, consultezExemples de code pour Amazon Bedrock Runtime utilisant AWS SDKs.


    Cet exemple montre comment utiliser un outil avec l'Converseopération Command Rmodèle.

    # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Shows how to use tools with the Converse API and the Cohere Command R model. """ import logging import json import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError class StationNotFoundError(Exception): """Raised when a radio station isn't found.""" pass logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def get_top_song(call_sign): """Returns the most popular song for the requested station. Args: call_sign (str): The call sign for the station for which you want the most popular song. Returns: response (json): The most popular song and artist. """ song = "" artist = "" if call_sign == 'WZPZ': song = "Elemental Hotel" artist = "8 Storey Hike" else: raise StationNotFoundError(f"Station {call_sign} not found.") return song, artist def generate_text(bedrock_client, model_id, tool_config, input_text): """Generates text using the supplied Amazon Bedrock model. If necessary, the function handles tool use requests and sends the result to the model. Args: bedrock_client: The Boto3 Bedrock runtime client. model_id (str): The Amazon Bedrock model ID. tool_config (dict): The tool configuration. input_text (str): The input text. Returns: Nothing. """ logger.info("Generating text with model %s", model_id) # Create the initial message from the user input. messages = [{ "role": "user", "content": [{"text": input_text}] }] response = bedrock_client.converse( modelId=model_id, messages=messages, toolConfig=tool_config ) output_message = response['output']['message'] messages.append(output_message) stop_reason = response['stopReason'] if stop_reason == 'tool_use': # Tool use requested. Call the tool and send the result to the model. tool_requests = response['output']['message']['content'] for tool_request in tool_requests: if 'toolUse' in tool_request: tool = tool_request['toolUse'] logger.info("Requesting tool %s. Request: %s", tool['name'], tool['toolUseId']) if tool['name'] == 'top_song': tool_result = {} try: song, artist = get_top_song(tool['input']['sign']) tool_result = { "toolUseId": tool['toolUseId'], "content": [{"json": {"song": song, "artist": artist}}] } except StationNotFoundError as err: tool_result = { "toolUseId": tool['toolUseId'], "content": [{"text": err.args[0]}], "status": 'error' } tool_result_message = { "role": "user", "content": [ { "toolResult": tool_result } ] } messages.append(tool_result_message) # Send the tool result to the model. response = bedrock_client.converse( modelId=model_id, messages=messages, toolConfig=tool_config ) output_message = response['output']['message'] # print the final response from the model. for content in output_message['content']: print(json.dumps(content, indent=4)) def main(): """ Entrypoint for tool use example. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") model_id = "cohere.command-r-v1:0" input_text = "What is the most popular song on WZPZ?" tool_config = { "tools": [ { "toolSpec": { "name": "top_song", "description": "Get the most popular song played on a radio station.", "inputSchema": { "json": { "type": "object", "properties": { "sign": { "type": "string", "description": "The call sign for the radio station for which you want the most popular song. Example calls signs are WZPZ, and WKRP." } }, "required": [ "sign" ] } } } } ] } bedrock_client = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime') try: print(f"Question: {input_text}") generate_text(bedrock_client, model_id, tool_config, input_text) except ClientError as err: message = err.response['Error']['Message'] logger.error("A client error occurred: %s", message) print(f"A client error occured: {message}") else: print( f"Finished generating text with model {model_id}.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()

    Cet exemple montre comment utiliser un outil avec l'opération de ConverseStream streaming et Anthropic Claude 3 Haikumodèle.

    # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Shows how to use a tool with a streaming conversation. """ import logging import json import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) class StationNotFoundError(Exception): """Raised when a radio station isn't found.""" pass def get_top_song(call_sign): """Returns the most popular song for the requested station. Args: call_sign (str): The call sign for the station for which you want the most popular song. Returns: response (json): The most popular song and artist. """ song = "" artist = "" if call_sign == 'WZPZ': song = "Elemental Hotel" artist = "8 Storey Hike" else: raise StationNotFoundError(f"Station {call_sign} not found.") return song, artist def stream_messages(bedrock_client, model_id, messages, tool_config): """ Sends a message to a model and streams the response. Args: bedrock_client: The Boto3 Bedrock runtime client. model_id (str): The model ID to use. messages (JSON) : The messages to send to the model. tool_config : Tool Information to send to the model. Returns: stop_reason (str): The reason why the model stopped generating text. message (JSON): The message that the model generated. """ logger.info("Streaming messages with model %s", model_id) response = bedrock_client.converse_stream( modelId=model_id, messages=messages, toolConfig=tool_config ) stop_reason = "" message = {} content = [] message['content'] = content text = '' tool_use = {} #stream the response into a message. for chunk in response['stream']: if 'messageStart' in chunk: message['role'] = chunk['messageStart']['role'] elif 'contentBlockStart' in chunk: tool = chunk['contentBlockStart']['start']['toolUse'] tool_use['toolUseId'] = tool['toolUseId'] tool_use['name'] = tool['name'] elif 'contentBlockDelta' in chunk: delta = chunk['contentBlockDelta']['delta'] if 'toolUse' in delta: if 'input' not in tool_use: tool_use['input'] = '' tool_use['input'] += delta['toolUse']['input'] elif 'text' in delta: text += delta['text'] print(delta['text'], end='') elif 'contentBlockStop' in chunk: if 'input' in tool_use: tool_use['input'] = json.loads(tool_use['input']) content.append({'toolUse': tool_use}) tool_use = {} else: content.append({'text': text}) text = '' elif 'messageStop' in chunk: stop_reason = chunk['messageStop']['stopReason'] return stop_reason, message def main(): """ Entrypoint for streaming tool use example. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") model_id = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0" input_text = "What is the most popular song on WZPZ?" try: bedrock_client = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime') # Create the initial message from the user input. messages = [{ "role": "user", "content": [{"text": input_text}] }] # Define the tool to send to the model. tool_config = { "tools": [ { "toolSpec": { "name": "top_song", "description": "Get the most popular song played on a radio station.", "inputSchema": { "json": { "type": "object", "properties": { "sign": { "type": "string", "description": "The call sign for the radio station for which you want the most popular song. Example calls signs are WZPZ and WKRP." } }, "required": ["sign"] } } } } ] } # Send the message and get the tool use request from response. stop_reason, message = stream_messages( bedrock_client, model_id, messages, tool_config) messages.append(message) if stop_reason == "tool_use": for content in message['content']: if 'toolUse' in content: tool = content['toolUse'] if tool['name'] == 'top_song': tool_result = {} try: song, artist = get_top_song(tool['input']['sign']) tool_result = { "toolUseId": tool['toolUseId'], "content": [{"json": {"song": song, "artist": artist}}] } except StationNotFoundError as err: tool_result = { "toolUseId": tool['toolUseId'], "content": [{"text": err.args[0]}], "status": 'error' } tool_result_message = { "role": "user", "content": [ { "toolResult": tool_result } ] } # Add the result info to message. messages.append(tool_result_message) #Send the messages, including the tool result, to the model. stop_reason, message = stream_messages( bedrock_client, model_id, messages, tool_config) except ClientError as err: message = err.response['Error']['Message'] logger.error("A client error occurred: %s", message) print("A client error occured: " + format(message)) else: print( f"\nFinished streaming messages with model {model_id}.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()