Créez un framework personnalisé Audit Manager contenant les contrôles Security Hub à l'aide d'un AWS SDK - AWS Exemples de code SDK

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Créez un framework personnalisé Audit Manager contenant les contrôles Security Hub à l'aide d'un AWS SDK

L’exemple de code suivant illustre comment :

  • Obtenez une liste de tous les contrôles standard dont la source de données est Security Hub.

  • Créez un framework personnalisé Audit Manager contenant les contrôles.

SDK pour Python (Boto3)

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import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SecurityHub: def __init__(self, auditmanager_client): self.auditmanager_client = auditmanager_client def get_sechub_controls(self): """ Gets the list of controls that use Security Hub as their data source. :return: The list of Security Hub controls. """ print("-" * 88) next_token = None page = 1 sechub_control_list = [] while True: print("Page [" + str(page) + "]") if next_token is None: control_list = self.auditmanager_client.list_controls( controlType="Standard", maxResults=100 ) else: control_list = self.auditmanager_client.list_controls( controlType="Standard", nextToken=next_token, maxResults=100 ) print("Total controls found:", len(control_list.get("controlMetadataList"))) for control in control_list.get("controlMetadataList"): control_details = self.auditmanager_client.get_control( controlId=control.get("id") ).get("control", {}) if "AWS Security Hub" in control_details.get("controlSources"): sechub_control_list.append({"id": control_details.get("id")}) next_token = control_list.get("nextToken") if not next_token: break page += 1 print("Number of Security Hub controls found: ", len(sechub_control_list)) return sechub_control_list def create_custom_framework(self, am_controls): """ Create a custom framework with a list of controls. :param am_controls: The list of controls to include in the framework. """ try: print("Creating custom framework...") custom_framework = self.auditmanager_client.create_assessment_framework( name="All Security Hub Controls Framework", controlSets=[{"name": "Security-Hub", "controls": am_controls}], ) print( f"Successfully created the custom framework: " f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('name')}: " f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('id')}" ) print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Failed to create custom framework.") raise def run_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the AWS Audit Manager Security Hub demo!") print("-" * 88) print(" This script creates a custom framework with all Security Hub controls.") print("-" * 88) sechub = SecurityHub(boto3.client("auditmanager")) am_controls = sechub.get_sechub_controls() sechub.create_custom_framework(am_controls) if __name__ == "__main__": run_demo()