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Utilisation CreateInstanceProfile
avec un AWS SDK ou une CLI
Les exemples de code suivants illustrent comment utiliser CreateInstanceProfile
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- AWS SDK for .NET
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. /// <summary> /// Create a policy, role, and profile that is associated with instances with a specified name. /// An instance's associated profile defines a role that is assumed by the /// instance.The role has attached policies that specify the AWS permissions granted to /// clients that run on the instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="policyName">Name to use for the policy.</param> /// <param name="roleName">Name to use for the role.</param> /// <param name="profileName">Name to use for the profile.</param> /// <param name="ssmOnlyPolicyFile">Path to a policy file for SSM.</param> /// <param name="awsManagedPolicies">AWS Managed policies to be attached to the role.</param> /// <returns>The Arn of the profile.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateInstanceProfileWithName( string policyName, string roleName, string profileName, string ssmOnlyPolicyFile, List<string>? awsManagedPolicies = null) { var assumeRoleDoc = "{" + "\"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + "\"Statement\": [{" + "\"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + "\"Principal\": {" + "\"Service\": [" + "\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"" + "]" + "}," + "\"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\"" + "}]" + "}"; var policyDocument = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(ssmOnlyPolicyFile); var policyArn = ""; try { var createPolicyResult = await _amazonIam.CreatePolicyAsync( new CreatePolicyRequest { PolicyName = policyName, PolicyDocument = policyDocument }); policyArn = createPolicyResult.Policy.Arn; } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException) { // The policy already exists, so we look it up to get the Arn. var policiesPaginator = _amazonIam.Paginators.ListPolicies( new ListPoliciesRequest() { Scope = PolicyScopeType.Local }); // Get the entire list using the paginator. await foreach (var policy in policiesPaginator.Policies) { if (policy.PolicyName.Equals(policyName)) { policyArn = policy.Arn; } } if (policyArn == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Policy not found"); } } try { await _amazonIam.CreateRoleAsync(new CreateRoleRequest() { RoleName = roleName, AssumeRolePolicyDocument = assumeRoleDoc, }); await _amazonIam.AttachRolePolicyAsync(new AttachRolePolicyRequest() { RoleName = roleName, PolicyArn = policyArn }); if (awsManagedPolicies != null) { foreach (var awsPolicy in awsManagedPolicies) { await _amazonIam.AttachRolePolicyAsync(new AttachRolePolicyRequest() { PolicyArn = $"arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/{awsPolicy}", RoleName = roleName }); } } } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException) { Console.WriteLine("Role already exists."); } string profileArn = ""; try { var profileCreateResponse = await _amazonIam.CreateInstanceProfileAsync( new CreateInstanceProfileRequest() { InstanceProfileName = profileName }); // Allow time for the profile to be ready. profileArn = profileCreateResponse.InstanceProfile.Arn; Thread.Sleep(10000); await _amazonIam.AddRoleToInstanceProfileAsync( new AddRoleToInstanceProfileRequest() { InstanceProfileName = profileName, RoleName = roleName }); } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException) { Console.WriteLine("Policy already exists."); var profileGetResponse = await _amazonIam.GetInstanceProfileAsync( new GetInstanceProfileRequest() { InstanceProfileName = profileName }); profileArn = profileGetResponse.InstanceProfile.Arn; } return profileArn; }
Pour plus de détails sur l'API, reportez-vous CreateInstanceProfileà la section Référence des AWS SDK for .NET API.