Utilisation CreateUserPool avec un AWS SDK ou une CLI - Amazon Cognito

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Utilisation CreateUserPool avec un AWS SDK ou une CLI

Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment utiliserCreateUserPool.


Pour créer un groupe d’utilisateurs configuré de manière minimale

Cet exemple crée un groupe d'utilisateurs nommé à MyUserPool l'aide des valeurs par défaut. Il n’y a aucun attribut obligatoire ni aucun client d’application. La MFA et la sécurité avancée sont désactivés.

Commande :

aws cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name MyUserPool

Sortie :

{ "UserPool": { "SchemaAttributes": [ { "Name": "sub", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "1", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": true, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": false }, { "Name": "name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "given_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "family_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "middle_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "nickname", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "preferred_username", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "profile", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "picture", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "website", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "email", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "AttributeDataType": "Boolean", "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "Name": "email_verified", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "gender", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "birthdate", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "10", "MaxLength": "10" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "zoneinfo", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "locale", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "phone_number", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "AttributeDataType": "Boolean", "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "Name": "phone_number_verified", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "address", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "updated_at", "NumberAttributeConstraints": { "MinValue": "0" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "Number", "Mutable": true } ], "MfaConfiguration": "OFF", "Name": "MyUserPool", "LastModifiedDate": 1547833345.777, "AdminCreateUserConfig": { "UnusedAccountValidityDays": 7, "AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": false }, "EmailConfiguration": {}, "Policies": { "PasswordPolicy": { "RequireLowercase": true, "RequireSymbols": true, "RequireNumbers": true, "MinimumLength": 8, "RequireUppercase": true } }, "CreationDate": 1547833345.777, "EstimatedNumberOfUsers": 0, "Id": "us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa", "LambdaConfig": {} } }

Pour créer un groupe d’utilisateurs avec deux attributs requis

Cet exemple crée un groupe d'utilisateurs MyUserPool. Le groupe est configuré pour accepter l’e-mail en tant qu’attribut de nom d’utilisateur. Il définit également l’adresse e-mail source sur une adresse validée à l’aide d’Amazon Simple Email Service.

Commande :

aws cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name MyUserPool --username-attributes "email" --email-configuration=SourceArn="arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:111111111111:identity/jane@example.com",ReplyToEmailAddress="jane@example.com"

Sortie :

{ "UserPool": { "SchemaAttributes": [ { "Name": "sub", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "1", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": true, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": false }, { "Name": "name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "given_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "family_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "middle_name", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "nickname", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "preferred_username", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "profile", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "picture", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "website", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "email", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "AttributeDataType": "Boolean", "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "Name": "email_verified", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "gender", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "birthdate", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "10", "MaxLength": "10" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "zoneinfo", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "locale", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "phone_number", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "AttributeDataType": "Boolean", "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "Name": "phone_number_verified", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "address", "StringAttributeConstraints": { "MinLength": "0", "MaxLength": "2048" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "String", "Mutable": true }, { "Name": "updated_at", "NumberAttributeConstraints": { "MinValue": "0" }, "DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false, "Required": false, "AttributeDataType": "Number", "Mutable": true } ], "MfaConfiguration": "OFF", "Name": "MyUserPool", "LastModifiedDate": 1547837788.189, "AdminCreateUserConfig": { "UnusedAccountValidityDays": 7, "AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": false }, "EmailConfiguration": { "ReplyToEmailAddress": "jane@example.com", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:111111111111:identity/jane@example.com" }, "Policies": { "PasswordPolicy": { "RequireLowercase": true, "RequireSymbols": true, "RequireNumbers": true, "MinimumLength": 8, "RequireUppercase": true } }, "UsernameAttributes": [ "email" ], "CreationDate": 1547837788.189, "EstimatedNumberOfUsers": 0, "Id": "us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa", "LambdaConfig": {} } }
  • Pour plus de détails sur l'API, reportez-vous CreateUserPoolà la section Référence des AWS CLI commandes.

SDK pour Java 2.x

Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l'exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l'exécuter dans le référentiel d'exemples de code AWS.

import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.cognitoidentityprovider.CognitoIdentityProviderClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.cognitoidentityprovider.model.CognitoIdentityProviderException; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.cognitoidentityprovider.model.CreateUserPoolRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.cognitoidentityprovider.model.CreateUserPoolResponse; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/get-started.html */ public class CreateUserPool { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <userPoolName>\s Where: userPoolName - The name to give your user pool when it's created. """; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String userPoolName = args[0]; CognitoIdentityProviderClient cognitoClient = CognitoIdentityProviderClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); String id = createPool(cognitoClient, userPoolName); System.out.println("User pool ID: " + id); cognitoClient.close(); } public static String createPool(CognitoIdentityProviderClient cognitoClient, String userPoolName) { try { CreateUserPoolRequest request = CreateUserPoolRequest.builder() .poolName(userPoolName) .build(); CreateUserPoolResponse response = cognitoClient.createUserPool(request); return response.userPool().id(); } catch (CognitoIdentityProviderException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } return ""; } }
  • Pour plus de détails sur l'API, reportez-vous CreateUserPoolà la section Référence des AWS SDK for Java 2.x API.

Pour obtenir la liste complète des guides de développement du AWS SDK et des exemples de code, consultezUtilisation de ce service avec un AWS SDK. Cette rubrique comprend également des informations sur le démarrage et sur les versions précédentes de SDK.