Enable notifications for message delivery status events - AWS IoT Wireless

Enable notifications for message delivery status events

Message delivery status events publish event notifications about the status of messages that are exchanged between your Sidewalk devices and AWS IoT Wireless. Event notifications are published for both downlink messages that are sent from AWS IoT Wireless to the Sidewalk device, and uplink messages that are sent from your device to AWS IoT Wireless.

How message delivery status events work

After you've onboarded your Sidewalk device to AWS IoT Wireless and connected your device, messages can be exchanged between your device and AWS IoT Wireless. The events publish notifications about the message delivery status that indicate whether these messages were successfully delivered to your device or to AWS IoT Wireless.

For example, if an uplink message is received from the device with an acknowledge (ACK) flag, a notification is published indicating that the message was delivered successfully. When you send downlink messages from AWS IoT Wireless to the Sidewalk device, the SendDataToWirelessDevice API returns a MessageId for the downlink message even if packets have dropped or the message wasn't delivered. In this case, the message delivery status events return an error indicating that the message failed to deliver to the device.

Enable notifications for message delivery status events

Before subscribers to the Sidewalk message delivery status reserved topics can receive messages, you must enable event notifications for them using the AWS IoT Wireless API or the AWS CLI. You can enable these events for all Sidewalk resources in your AWS account or for select resources.


The Sidewalk message delivery status event configuration isn't available in the console.

For information about how to enable these events, see Enable notifications using the AWS CLI.

Format of MQTT topics for message delivery status events

To receive notifications about message delivery status events, you can subscribe to MQTT reserved topics that begin with a dollar ($) sign. For more information, see topics.

Reserved MQTT topics for Sidewalk proximity events use the format:

  • For resource-level topics:


  • For identifier topics:




{eventName} must be message_delivery_status.


{eventType} can be success or error.


{resourceType} can be sidewalk_accounts or wireless_devices.


{resourceID} is amazon_id for {resourceType} of sidewalk_accounts and wireless_device_id for {resourceType} of wireless_devices.

You can also use the + wildcard character to subscribe to multiple topics at the same time. The + wildcard character matches any string in the level that contains the character. For example, if you want to be notified of all possible event types (success and error) and for all devices registered to a particular Amazon ID, you can use the following topic filter:



You can't use the wildcard character # to subscribe to the reserved topics. For more information about topic filters, see topicfilters.

Message payload for message delivery status events

After you enable notifications for message delivery status events, event messages are published over MQTT with a JSON payload. These events contain the following example payload depending on whether the event is a success, indicating that the device successfully received the message, or an error.

Success events

The following shows the payload format when the event is a success.

{ "eventId": "string", "eventType": "success", "WirelessDeviceId": "string", "timestamp": "timestamp", "Sidewalk": { "Seq": "Integer", "MsgType": "CUSTOM_COMMAND_ID_RESP", "CmdExStatus": "COMMAND_EXEC_STATUS_SUCCESS" } }

The payload contains the following attributes:


A unique event ID, which is a string.


The type of event that occurred. Can be success or error. In this case, the eventType is error.


The identifier of the wireless device.


The Unix timestamp of when the event occurred.


The Sidewalk wrapper that contains the status code for success messages, sequence number of message, and the message type.

Error events

The following shows the payload format when the event indicates that an error occurred.

{ "eventId": "string", "eventType": "error" , "WirelessDeviceId": "string", "timestamp": "timestamp", "Sidewalk": { "Seq": "Integer", "Status": "DeviceNotReachable" | "RADIO_TX_ERROR" | "MEMORY_ERROR" } }

The payload contains similar attributes as when the eventType is a success. Following are some differences or additional attributes:


The type of event that occurred. In this case, the eventType is an error.


The Sidewalk wrapper that contains the sequence number and the status code that indicates why the downlink message wasn't sent successfully.