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Les exemples de code suivants illustrent comment utiliser CreateTopic
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- AWS SDK for .NET
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. Créez une rubrique avec un nom spécifique.
using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.SimpleNotificationService; using Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to use Amazon Simple Notification Service /// (Amazon SNS) to add a new Amazon SNS topic. /// </summary> public class CreateSNSTopic { public static async Task Main() { string topicName = "ExampleSNSTopic"; IAmazonSimpleNotificationService client = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(); var topicArn = await CreateSNSTopicAsync(client, topicName); Console.WriteLine($"New topic ARN: {topicArn}"); } /// <summary> /// Creates a new SNS topic using the supplied topic name. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized SNS client object used to /// create the new topic.</param> /// <param name="topicName">A string representing the topic name.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the created topic.</returns> public static async Task<string> CreateSNSTopicAsync(IAmazonSimpleNotificationService client, string topicName) { var request = new CreateTopicRequest { Name = topicName, }; var response = await client.CreateTopicAsync(request); return response.TopicArn; } }
Créez une nouvelle rubrique avec un nom et des attributs FIFO et de déduplication spécifiques.
/// <summary> /// Create a new topic with a name and specific FIFO and de-duplication attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="topicName">The name for the topic.</param> /// <param name="useFifoTopic">True to use a FIFO topic.</param> /// <param name="useContentBasedDeduplication">True to use content-based de-duplication.</param> /// <returns>The ARN of the new topic.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateTopicWithName(string topicName, bool useFifoTopic, bool useContentBasedDeduplication) { var createTopicRequest = new CreateTopicRequest() { Name = topicName, }; if (useFifoTopic) { // Update the name if it is not correct for a FIFO topic. if (!topicName.EndsWith(".fifo")) { createTopicRequest.Name = topicName + ".fifo"; } // Add the attributes from the method parameters. createTopicRequest.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "FifoTopic", "true" } }; if (useContentBasedDeduplication) { createTopicRequest.Attributes.Add("ContentBasedDeduplication", "true"); } } var createResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.CreateTopicAsync(createTopicRequest); return createResponse.TopicArn; }
Pour plus de détails sur l'API, reportez-vous CreateTopicà la section Référence des AWS SDK for .NET API.
Pour obtenir la liste complète des guides de développement du AWS SDK et des exemples de code, consultezUtilisation d'Amazon SNS avec un SDK AWS. Cette rubrique comprend également des informations sur le démarrage et sur les versions précédentes de SDK.