Expenditure and usage awareness - Serverless Applications Lens

Expenditure and usage awareness

As covered in the AWS Well-Architected Framework, the increased flexibility and agility that the cloud enables encourages innovation and fast-paced development and deployment. It eliminates the manual processes and time associated with provisioning on-premises infrastructure, including identifying hardware specifications, negotiating price quotations, managing purchase orders, scheduling shipments, and then deploying the resources.

As your serverless architecture grows, the number of Lambda functions, APIs, stages, and other assets will multiply. Most of these architectures need to be budgeted and forecasted in terms of costs and resource management, so tagging can help you here. You can allocate costs from your AWS bill to individual functions and APIs and obtain a granulated view of your costs and usage per project in AWS Cost Explorer.

A good implementation is to share the same key-value tag for assets that belong to the project programmatically, and create custom reports based on the tags that you have created. This feature will help you not only allocate your costs, but also identify which resources belong to which projects. To gain practical experience on this topic refer to the Well Architected Labs. You can find many cost optimization walkthroughs that include tagging as well.