Create a detector - Amazon Fraud Detector

Create a detector

You create a detector by specifying the event type that you have already defined. You can optionally add a model that is already trained and deployed by Amazon Fraud Detector. If you add a model, you can use the model score generated by Amazon Fraud Detector in your rule expression when creating a rule (for example, $model score < 90).

You can create a detector in the Amazon Fraud Detector console, using the PutDetector API, using the put-detector command, or using the AWS SDK. If you are using API, command, or SDK for creating a detector, after you've created the detector follow instructions to Create a detector version.

Create a detector in the Amazon Fraud Detector console

This example assumes that you've created an event type and also have created and deployed a model version you want to use for fraud prediction.

Step 1: Build detector

  1. In the left navigation pane of the Amazon Fraud Detector console, choose Detectors.

  2. Choose Create detector.

  3. In the Define detector details page, enter sample_detector for detector name. Optionally, enter a description for the detector, such as my sample fraud detector.

  4. For Event Type, select the event type you have created for fraud prediction.

  5. Choose Next.

Step 2: Add a deployed model version

  1. Note that this is an optional step. You do not need to add a model to your detector. To skip this step, choose Next.

  2. In the Add model - optional, choose Add Model.

  3. In the Add model page, for Select model, choose the Amazon Fraud Detector model name that you deployed earlier. For Select version, choose the model version of the deployed model.

  4. Choose Add model.

  5. Choose Next.

Step 3: Add rules

A rule is a condition that tells Amazon Fraud Detector how to interpret variable values when evaluating for fraud prediction. This example will create three rules using the model scores as variable values: high_fraud_risk, medium_fraud_risk, and low_fraud_risk. To create your own rules, rule expressions, rule execution order, and outcomes, use values that are appropriate for your model and your use case.

  1. In the Add rules page, under Define a rule, enter high_fraud_risk for the rule name and under Description - optional, enter This rule captures events with a high ML model score as the description for the rule.

  2. In Expression, enter the following rule expression using the Amazon Fraud Detector simplified rule expression language:

    $sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore > 900

  3. In Outcomes, choose Create a new outcome. An outcome is the result from a fraud prediction and is returned if the rule matches during an evaluation.

  4. In Create a new outcome, enter verify_customer as the outcome name. Optionally, enter a description.

  5. Choose Save outcome.

  6. Choose Add rule to run the rule validation checker and save the rule. After it's created, Amazon Fraud Detector makes the rule available for use in your detector.

  7. Choose Add another rule, and then choose the Create rule tab.

  8. Repeat this process twice more to create your medium_fraud_risk and low_fraud_risk rules using the following rule details:

    • medium_fraud_risk

      Rule name: medium_fraud_risk

      Outcome: review


      $sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore <= 900 and

      $sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore > 700

    • low_fraud_risk

      Rule name: low_fraud_risk

      Outcome: approve


      $sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore <= 700

  9. After you have created all the rules for your use case, choose Next.

    For more information about creating and writing rules, see Rules and Rule language reference.

Step 4: Configure rule execution and rule order

The rule execution mode for the rules that are included in the detector determines if all the rules you define are evaluated, or if rule evaluation stops at the first matched rule. And the rule order determines the order that you want the rule to be run in.

The default rule execution mode is FIRST_MATCHED.

First matched

First matched rule execution mode returns the outcomes for the first matching rule based on defined rule order. If you specify FIRST_MATCHED, Amazon Fraud Detector evaluates rules sequentially, first to last, stopping at the first matched rule. Amazon Fraud Detector then provides the outcomes for that single rule.

The order that you run rules in can affect the resulting fraud prediction outcome. After you have created your rules, re-order the rules to run them in the desired order by following these steps:

If your high_fraud_risk rule isn't already on the top of your rule list, choose Order, and then choose 1. This moves high_fraud_risk to the first position.

Repeat this process so that your medium_fraud_risk rule is in the second position and your low_fraud_risk rule is in the third position.

All matched

All matched rule execution mode returns outcomes for all matched rules, regardless of rule order. If you specify ALL_MATCHED, Amazon Fraud Detector evaluates all rules and returns the outcomes for all matched rules.

Select FIRST_MATCHED for this tutorial and then choose Next.

Step 5: Review and create detector version

A detector version defines the specific models and rules that are used for generating fraud predictions.

  1. In the Review and create page, review the detector details, models, and rules that you configured. If you need to make any changes, choose Edit next to the corresponding section.

  2. Choose Create detector. After it's created, the first version of your detector appears in the Detector versions table with Draft status.

    You use the Draft version to test your Detector.

Create a detector using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

The following example shows a sample request for the PutDetector API. A detector acts as a container for your detector versions. The PutDetector API specifies what event type the detector will evaluate. The following example assumes you have created an event type sample_registration.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_detector ( detectorId = 'sample_detector', eventTypeName = 'sample_registration' )