UI for IDT for FreeRTOS qualification suite 2.0 (FRQ 2.0) - FreeRTOS

UI for IDT for FreeRTOS qualification suite 2.0 (FRQ 2.0)

AWS IoT Device Tester for FreeRTOS (IDT for FreeRTOS) includes a web-based user interface (UI) where you can interact with the IDT command line application and related configuration files. You use the IDT for FreeRTOS UI to create a new configuration, or modify an existing one, for your device. You can also use the UI to call the IDT application and run the FreeRTOS tests against your device.

For information about how to use the command line to run qualification tests, see First test of your microcontroller board.

This section describes the prerequisites for the IDT for FreeRTOS UI and how to run qualifications tests from the UI.

Set up the IDT prerequisites

To run tests through the AWS IoT Device Tester (IDT) for FreeRTOS UI, you must complete the prerequisites on the Set up the LTS qualification prerequisites page for IDT FreeRTOS Qualification (FRQ) 2.x.