GlueContext class - AWS Glue

GlueContext class

Wraps the Apache Spark SparkContext object, and thereby provides mechanisms for interacting with the Apache Spark platform.


  • sparkContext – The Apache Spark context to use.



getSource(connection_type, transformation_ctx = "", **options)

Creates a DataSource object that can be used to read DynamicFrames from external sources.

  • connection_type – The connection type to use, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, oracle, and dynamodb.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • options – A collection of optional name-value pairs. For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

The following is an example of using getSource.

>>> data_source = context.getSource("file", paths=["/in/path"]) >>> data_source.setFormat("json") >>> myFrame = data_source.getFrame()


create_dynamic_frame_from_rdd(data, name, schema=None, sample_ratio=None, transformation_ctx="")

Returns a DynamicFrame that is created from an Apache Spark Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD).

  • data – The data source to use.

  • name – The name of the data to use.

  • schema – The schema to use (optional).

  • sample_ratio – The sample ratio to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).


create_dynamic_frame_from_catalog(database, table_name, redshift_tmp_dir, transformation_ctx = "", push_down_predicate= "", additional_options = {}, catalog_id = None)

Returns a DynamicFrame that is created using a Data Catalog database and table name. When using this method, you provide format_options through table properties on the specified AWS Glue Data Catalog table and other options through the additional_options argument.

  • Database – The database to read from.

  • table_name – The name of the table to read from.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • push_down_predicate – Filters partitions without having to list and read all the files in your dataset. For supported sources and limitations, see Optimizing reads with pushdown in AWS Glue ETL. For more information, see Pre-filtering using pushdown predicates.

  • additional_options – A collection of optional name-value pairs. The possible options include those listed in Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark except for endpointUrl, streamName, bootstrap.servers, security.protocol, topicName, classification, and delimiter. Another supported option is catalogPartitionPredicate:

    catalogPartitionPredicate — You can pass a catalog expression to filter based on the index columns. This pushes down the filtering to the server side. For more information, see AWS Glue Partition Indexes. Note that push_down_predicate and catalogPartitionPredicate use different syntaxes. The former one uses Spark SQL standard syntax and the later one uses JSQL parser.

  • catalog_id — The catalog ID (account ID) of the Data Catalog being accessed. When None, the default account ID of the caller is used.


create_dynamic_frame_from_options(connection_type, connection_options={}, format=None, format_options={}, transformation_ctx = "")

Returns a DynamicFrame created with the specified connection and format.

  • connection_type – The connection type, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, oracle, and dynamodb.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as paths and database table (optional). For a connection_type of s3, a list of Amazon S3 paths is defined.

    connection_options = {"paths": ["s3://aws-glue-target/temp"]}

    For JDBC connections, several properties must be defined. Note that the database name must be part of the URL. It can optionally be included in the connection options.


    Storing passwords in your script is not recommended. Consider using boto3 to retrieve them from AWS Secrets Manager or the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

    connection_options = {"url": "jdbc-url/database", "user": "username", "password": passwordVariable,"dbtable": "table-name", "redshiftTmpDir": "s3-tempdir-path"}

    The dbtable property is the name of the JDBC table. For JDBC data stores that support schemas within a database, specify schema.table-name. If a schema is not provided, then the default "public" schema is used.

    For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • format – A format specification. This is used for an Amazon S3 or an AWS Glue connection that supports multiple formats. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • format_options – Format options for the specified format. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • push_down_predicate – Filters partitions without having to list and read all the files in your dataset. For supported sources and limitations, see Optimizing reads with pushdown in AWS Glue ETL. For more information, see Pre-Filtering Using Pushdown Predicates.


create_sample_dynamic_frame_from_catalog(database, table_name, num, redshift_tmp_dir, transformation_ctx = "", push_down_predicate= "", additional_options = {}, sample_options = {}, catalog_id = None)

Returns a sample DynamicFrame that is created using a Data Catalog database and table name. The DynamicFrame only contains first num records from a datasource.

  • database – The database to read from.

  • table_name – The name of the table to read from.

  • num – The maximum number of records in the returned sample dynamic frame.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • push_down_predicate – Filters partitions without having to list and read all the files in your dataset. For more information, see Pre-filtering using pushdown predicates.

  • additional_options – A collection of optional name-value pairs. The possible options include those listed in Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark except for endpointUrl, streamName, bootstrap.servers, security.protocol, topicName, classification, and delimiter.

  • sample_options – Parameters to control sampling behavior (optional). Current available parameters for Amazon S3 sources:

    • maxSamplePartitions – The maximum number of partitions the sampling will read. Default value is 10

    • maxSampleFilesPerPartition – The maximum number of files the sampling will read in one partition. Default value is 10.

      These parameters help to reduce the time consumed by file listing. For example, suppose the dataset has 1000 partitions, and each partition has 10 files. If you set maxSamplePartitions = 10, and maxSampleFilesPerPartition = 10, instead of listing all 10,000 files, the sampling will only list and read the first 10 partitions with the first 10 files in each: 10*10 = 100 files in total.

  • catalog_id – The catalog ID of the Data Catalog being accessed (the account ID of the Data Catalog). Set to None by default. None defaults to the catalog ID of the calling account in the service.


create_sample_dynamic_frame_from_options(connection_type, connection_options={}, num, sample_options={}, format=None, format_options={}, transformation_ctx = "")

Returns a sample DynamicFrame created with the specified connection and format. The DynamicFrame only contains first num records from a datasource.

  • connection_type – The connection type, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, oracle, and dynamodb.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as paths and database table (optional). For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • num – The maximum number of records in the returned sample dynamic frame.

  • sample_options – Parameters to control sampling behavior (optional). Current available parameters for Amazon S3 sources:

    • maxSamplePartitions – The maximum number of partitions the sampling will read. Default value is 10

    • maxSampleFilesPerPartition – The maximum number of files the sampling will read in one partition. Default value is 10.

      These parameters help to reduce the time consumed by file listing. For example, suppose the dataset has 1000 partitions, and each partition has 10 files. If you set maxSamplePartitions = 10, and maxSampleFilesPerPartition = 10, instead of listing all 10,000 files, the sampling will only list and read the first 10 partitions with the first 10 files in each: 10*10 = 100 files in total.

  • format – A format specification. This is used for an Amazon S3 or an AWS Glue connection that supports multiple formats. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • format_options – Format options for the specified format. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • push_down_predicate – Filters partitions without having to list and read all the files in your dataset. For more information, see Pre-filtering using pushdown predicates.


add_ingestion_time_columns(dataFrame, timeGranularity = "")

Appends ingestion time columns like ingest_year, ingest_month, ingest_day, ingest_hour, ingest_minute to the input DataFrame. This function is automatically generated in the script generated by the AWS Glue when you specify a Data Catalog table with Amazon S3 as the target. This function automatically updates the partition with ingestion time columns on the output table. This allows the output data to be automatically partitioned on ingestion time without requiring explicit ingestion time columns in the input data.

  • dataFrame – The dataFrame to append the ingestion time columns to.

  • timeGranularity – The granularity of the time columns. Valid values are "day", "hour" and "minute". For example, if "hour" is passed in to the function, the original dataFrame will have "ingest_year", "ingest_month", "ingest_day", and "ingest_hour" time columns appended.

Returns the data frame after appending the time granularity columns.


dynamic_frame = DynamicFrame.fromDF(glueContext.add_ingestion_time_columns(dataFrame, "hour"))


create_data_frame_from_catalog(database, table_name, transformation_ctx = "", additional_options = {})

Returns a DataFrame that is created using information from a Data Catalog table.

  • database – The Data Catalog database to read from.

  • table_name – The name of the Data Catalog table to read from.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • additional_options – A collection of optional name-value pairs. The possible options include those listed in Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark for streaming sources, such as startingPosition, maxFetchTimeInMs, and startingOffsets.

    • useSparkDataSource – When set to true, forces AWS Glue to use the native Spark Data Source API to read the table. The Spark Data Source API supports the following formats: AVRO, binary, CSV, JSON, ORC, Parquet, and text. In a Data Catalog table, you specify the format using the classification property. To learn more about the Spark Data Source API, see the official Apache Spark documentation.

      Using create_data_frame_from_catalog with useSparkDataSource has the following benefits:

      • Directly returns a DataFrame and provides an alternative to create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog().toDF().

      • Supports AWS Lake Formation table-level permission control for native formats.

      • Supports reading data lake formats without AWS Lake Formation table-level permission control. For more information, see Using data lake frameworks with AWS Glue ETL jobs.

      When you enable useSparkDataSource, you can also add any of the Spark Data Source options in additional_options as needed. AWS Glue passes these options directly to the Spark reader.

    • useCatalogSchema – When set to true, AWS Glue applies the Data Catalog schema to the resulting DataFrame. Otherwise, the reader infers the schema from the data. When you enable useCatalogSchema, you must also set useSparkDataSource to true.


Consider the following limitations when you use the useSparkDataSource option:

  • When you use useSparkDataSource, AWS Glue creates a new DataFrame in a separate Spark session that is different from the original Spark session.

  • Spark DataFrame partition filtering doesn't work with the following AWS Glue features.

    To use partition filtering with these features, you can use the AWS Glue pushdown predicate. For more information, see Pre-filtering using pushdown predicates. Filtering on non-partitioned columns is not affected.

    The following example script demonstrates the incorrect way to perform partition filtering with the excludeStorageClasses option.

    // Incorrect partition filtering using Spark filter with excludeStorageClasses read_df = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_catalog( database=database_name, table_name=table_name, additional_options = { "useSparkDataSource": True, "excludeStorageClasses" : ["GLACIER", "DEEP_ARCHIVE"] } ) // Suppose year and month are partition keys. // Filtering on year and month won't work, the filtered_df will still // contain data with other year/month values. filtered_df = read_df.filter("year == '2017 and month == '04' and 'state == 'CA'")

    The following example script demonstrates the correct way to use a pushdown predicate in order to perform partition filtering with the excludeStorageClasses option.

    // Correct partition filtering using the AWS Glue pushdown predicate // with excludeStorageClasses read_df = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_catalog( database=database_name, table_name=table_name, // Use AWS Glue pushdown predicate to perform partition filtering push_down_predicate = "(year=='2017' and month=='04')" additional_options = { "useSparkDataSource": True, "excludeStorageClasses" : ["GLACIER", "DEEP_ARCHIVE"] } ) // Use Spark filter only on non-partitioned columns filtered_df = read_df.filter("state == 'CA'")

Example: Creating a CSV table using the Spark data source reader

// Read a CSV table with '\t' as separator read_df = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_catalog( database=<database_name>, table_name=<table_name>, additional_options = {"useSparkDataSource": True, "sep": '\t'} )


create_data_frame_from_options(connection_type, connection_options={}, format=None, format_options={}, transformation_ctx = "")

This API is now deprecated. Instead use the getSource() API. Returns a DataFrame created with the specified connection and format. Use this function only with AWS Glue streaming sources.

  • connection_type – The streaming connection type. Valid values include kinesis and kafka.

  • connection_options – Connection options, which are different for Kinesis and Kafka. You can find the list of all connection options for each streaming data source at Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark. Note the following differences in streaming connection options:

    • Kinesis streaming sources require streamARN, startingPosition, inferSchema, and classification.

    • Kafka streaming sources require connectionName, topicName, startingOffsets, inferSchema, and classification.

  • format – A format specification. This is used for an Amazon S3 or an AWS Glue connection that supports multiple formats. For information about the supported formats, see Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • format_options – Format options for the specified format. For information about the supported format options, see Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

Example for Amazon Kinesis streaming source:

kinesis_options = { "streamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-2:777788889999:stream/fromOptionsStream", "startingPosition": "TRIM_HORIZON", "inferSchema": "true", "classification": "json" } data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_options(connection_type="kinesis", connection_options=kinesis_options)

Example for Kafka streaming source:

kafka_options = { "connectionName": "ConfluentKafka", "topicName": "kafka-auth-topic", "startingOffsets": "earliest", "inferSchema": "true", "classification": "json" } data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_options(connection_type="kafka", connection_options=kafka_options)


forEachBatch(frame, batch_function, options)

Applies the batch_function passed in to every micro batch that is read from the Streaming source.

  • frame – The DataFrame containing the current micro batch.

  • batch_function – A function that will be applied for every micro batch.

  • options – A collection of key-value pairs that holds information about how to process micro batches. The following options are required:

    • windowSize – The amount of time to spend processing each batch.

    • checkpointLocation – The location where checkpoints are stored for the streaming ETL job.

    • batchMaxRetries – The maximum number of times to retry the batch if it fails. The default value is 3. This option is only configurable for Glue version 2.0 and above.


glueContext.forEachBatch( frame = data_frame_datasource0, batch_function = processBatch, options = { "windowSize": "100 seconds", "checkpointLocation": "s3://kafka-auth-dataplane/confluent-test/output/checkpoint/" } ) def processBatch(data_frame, batchId): if (data_frame.count() > 0): datasource0 = DynamicFrame.fromDF( glueContext.add_ingestion_time_columns(data_frame, "hour"), glueContext, "from_data_frame" ) additionalOptions_datasink1 = {"enableUpdateCatalog": True} additionalOptions_datasink1["partitionKeys"] = ["ingest_yr", "ingest_mo", "ingest_day"] datasink1 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( frame = datasource0, database = "tempdb", table_name = "kafka-auth-table-output", transformation_ctx = "datasink1", additional_options = additionalOptions_datasink1 )

Working with datasets in Amazon S3


purge_table(catalog_id=None, database="", table_name="", options={}, transformation_ctx="")

Deletes files from Amazon S3 for the specified catalog's database and table. If all files in a partition are deleted, that partition is also deleted from the catalog.

If you want to be able to recover deleted objects, you can turn on object versioning on the Amazon S3 bucket. When an object is deleted from a bucket that doesn't have object versioning enabled, the object can't be recovered. For more information about how to recover deleted objects in a version-enabled bucket, see How can I retrieve an Amazon S3 object that was deleted? in the AWS Support Knowledge Center.

  • catalog_id – The catalog ID of the Data Catalog being accessed (the account ID of the Data Catalog). Set to None by default. None defaults to the catalog ID of the calling account in the service.

  • database – The database to use.

  • table_name – The name of the table to use.

  • options – Options to filter files to be deleted and for manifest file generation.

    • retentionPeriod – Specifies a period in number of hours to retain files. Files newer than the retention period are retained. Set to 168 hours (7 days) by default.

    • partitionPredicate – Partitions satisfying this predicate are deleted. Files within the retention period in these partitions are not deleted. Set to "" – empty by default.

    • excludeStorageClasses – Files with storage class in the excludeStorageClasses set are not deleted. The default is Set() – an empty set.

    • manifestFilePath – An optional path for manifest file generation. All files that were successfully purged are recorded in Success.csv, and those that failed in Failed.csv

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional). Used in the manifest file path.

glueContext.purge_table("database", "table", {"partitionPredicate": "(month=='march')", "retentionPeriod": 1, "excludeStorageClasses": ["STANDARD_IA"], "manifestFilePath": "s3://bucketmanifest/"})


purge_s3_path(s3_path, options={}, transformation_ctx="")

Deletes files from the specified Amazon S3 path recursively.

If you want to be able to recover deleted objects, you can turn on object versioning on the Amazon S3 bucket. When an object is deleted from a bucket that doesn't have object versioning turned on, the object can't be recovered. For more information about how to recover deleted objects in a bucket with versioning, see How can I retrieve an Amazon S3 object that was deleted? in the Support Knowledge Center.

  • s3_path – The path in Amazon S3 of the files to be deleted in the format s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/

  • options – Options to filter files to be deleted and for manifest file generation.

    • retentionPeriod – Specifies a period in number of hours to retain files. Files newer than the retention period are retained. Set to 168 hours (7 days) by default.

    • excludeStorageClasses – Files with storage class in the excludeStorageClasses set are not deleted. The default is Set() – an empty set.

    • manifestFilePath – An optional path for manifest file generation. All files that were successfully purged are recorded in Success.csv, and those that failed in Failed.csv

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional). Used in the manifest file path.

glueContext.purge_s3_path("s3://bucket/path/", {"retentionPeriod": 1, "excludeStorageClasses": ["STANDARD_IA"], "manifestFilePath": "s3://bucketmanifest/"})


transition_table(database, table_name, transition_to, options={}, transformation_ctx="", catalog_id=None)

Transitions the storage class of the files stored on Amazon S3 for the specified catalog's database and table.

You can transition between any two storage classes. For the GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE storage classes, you can transition to these classes. However, you would use an S3 RESTORE to transition from GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE storage classes.

If you're running AWS Glue ETL jobs that read files or partitions from Amazon S3, you can exclude some Amazon S3 storage class types. For more information, see Excluding Amazon S3 Storage Classes.

  • database – The database to use.

  • table_name – The name of the table to use.

  • transition_to – The Amazon S3 storage class to transition to.

  • options – Options to filter files to be deleted and for manifest file generation.

    • retentionPeriod – Specifies a period in number of hours to retain files. Files newer than the retention period are retained. Set to 168 hours (7 days) by default.

    • partitionPredicate – Partitions satisfying this predicate are transitioned. Files within the retention period in these partitions are not transitioned. Set to "" – empty by default.

    • excludeStorageClasses – Files with storage class in the excludeStorageClasses set are not transitioned. The default is Set() – an empty set.

    • manifestFilePath – An optional path for manifest file generation. All files that were successfully transitioned are recorded in Success.csv, and those that failed in Failed.csv

    • accountId – The Amazon Web Services account ID to run the transition transform. Mandatory for this transform.

    • roleArn – The AWS role to run the transition transform. Mandatory for this transform.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional). Used in the manifest file path.

  • catalog_id – The catalog ID of the Data Catalog being accessed (the account ID of the Data Catalog). Set to None by default. None defaults to the catalog ID of the calling account in the service.

glueContext.transition_table("database", "table", "STANDARD_IA", {"retentionPeriod": 1, "excludeStorageClasses": ["STANDARD_IA"], "manifestFilePath": "s3://bucketmanifest/", "accountId": "12345678901", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/example-username"})


transition_s3_path(s3_path, transition_to, options={}, transformation_ctx="")

Transitions the storage class of the files in the specified Amazon S3 path recursively.

You can transition between any two storage classes. For the GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE storage classes, you can transition to these classes. However, you would use an S3 RESTORE to transition from GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE storage classes.

If you're running AWS Glue ETL jobs that read files or partitions from Amazon S3, you can exclude some Amazon S3 storage class types. For more information, see Excluding Amazon S3 Storage Classes.

  • s3_path – The path in Amazon S3 of the files to be transitioned in the format s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/

  • transition_to – The Amazon S3 storage class to transition to.

  • options – Options to filter files to be deleted and for manifest file generation.

    • retentionPeriod – Specifies a period in number of hours to retain files. Files newer than the retention period are retained. Set to 168 hours (7 days) by default.

    • partitionPredicate – Partitions satisfying this predicate are transitioned. Files within the retention period in these partitions are not transitioned. Set to "" – empty by default.

    • excludeStorageClasses – Files with storage class in the excludeStorageClasses set are not transitioned. The default is Set() – an empty set.

    • manifestFilePath – An optional path for manifest file generation. All files that were successfully transitioned are recorded in Success.csv, and those that failed in Failed.csv

    • accountId – The Amazon Web Services account ID to run the transition transform. Mandatory for this transform.

    • roleArn – The AWS role to run the transition transform. Mandatory for this transform.

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional). Used in the manifest file path.

glueContext.transition_s3_path("s3://bucket/prefix/", "STANDARD_IA", {"retentionPeriod": 1, "excludeStorageClasses": ["STANDARD_IA"], "manifestFilePath": "s3://bucketmanifest/", "accountId": "12345678901", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/example-username"})



extract_jdbc_conf(connection_name, catalog_id = None)

Returns a dict with keys with the configuration properties from the AWS Glue connection object in the Data Catalog.

  • user – The database user name.

  • password – The database password.

  • vendor – Specifies a vendor (mysql, postgresql, oracle, sqlserver, etc.).

  • enforceSSL – A boolean string indicating if a secure connection is required.

  • customJDBCCert – Use a specific client certificate from the Amazon S3 path indicated.

  • skipCustomJDBCCertValidation – A boolean string indicating if the customJDBCCert must be validated by a CA.

  • customJDBCCertString – Additional information about the custom certificate, specific for the driver type.

  • url – (Deprecated) JDBC URL with only protocol, server and port.

  • fullUrl – JDBC URL as entered when the connection was created (Available in AWS Glue version 3.0 or later).

Example retrieving JDBC configurations:

jdbc_conf = glueContext.extract_jdbc_conf(connection_name="your_glue_connection_name") print(jdbc_conf) >>> {'enforceSSL': 'false', 'skipCustomJDBCCertValidation': 'false', 'url': 'jdbc:mysql://myserver:3306', 'fullUrl': 'jdbc:mysql://myserver:3306/mydb', 'customJDBCCertString': '', 'user': 'admin', 'customJDBCCert': '', 'password': '1234', 'vendor': 'mysql'}




Start a new transaction. Internally calls the Lake Formation startTransaction API.

  • read_only – (Boolean) Indicates whether this transaction should be read only or read and write. Writes made using a read-only transaction ID will be rejected. Read-only transactions do not need to be committed.

Returns the transaction ID.


commit_transaction(transaction_id, wait_for_commit = True)

Attempts to commit the specified transaction. commit_transaction may return before the transaction has finished committing. Internally calls the Lake Formation commitTransaction API.

  • transaction_id – (String) The transaction to commit.

  • wait_for_commit – (Boolean) Determines whether the commit_transaction returns immediately. The default value is true. If false, commit_transaction polls and waits until the transaction is committed. The amount of wait time is restricted to 1 minute using exponential backoff with a maximum of 6 retry attempts.

Returns a Boolean to indicate whether the commit is done or not.



Attempts to cancel the specified transaction. Returns a TransactionCommittedException exception if the transaction was previously committed. Internally calls the Lake Formation CancelTransaction API.

  • transaction_id – (String) The transaction to cancel.



getSink(connection_type, format = None, transformation_ctx = "", **options)

Gets a DataSink object that can be used to write DynamicFrames to external sources. Check the SparkSQL format first to be sure to get the expected sink.

  • connection_type – The connection type to use, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, oracle, kinesis, and kafka.

  • format – The SparkSQL format to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • options – A collection of name-value pairs used to specify the connection options. Some of the possible values are:

    • user and password: For authorization

    • url: The endpoint for the data store

    • dbtable: The name of the target table

    • bulkSize: Degree of parallelism for insert operations

The options that you can specify depends on the connection type. See Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark for additional values and examples.


>>> data_sink = context.getSink("s3") >>> data_sink.setFormat("json"), >>> data_sink.writeFrame(myFrame)


write_dynamic_frame_from_options(frame, connection_type, connection_options={}, format=None, format_options={}, transformation_ctx = "")

Writes and returns a DynamicFrame using the specified connection and format.

  • frame – The DynamicFrame to write.

  • connection_type – The connection type, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, oracle, kinesis, and kafka.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as path and database table (optional). For a connection_type of s3, an Amazon S3 path is defined.

    connection_options = {"path": "s3://aws-glue-target/temp"}

    For JDBC connections, several properties must be defined. Note that the database name must be part of the URL. It can optionally be included in the connection options.


    Storing passwords in your script is not recommended. Consider using boto3 to retrieve them from AWS Secrets Manager or the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

    connection_options = {"url": "jdbc-url/database", "user": "username", "password": passwordVariable,"dbtable": "table-name", "redshiftTmpDir": "s3-tempdir-path"}

    The dbtable property is the name of the JDBC table. For JDBC data stores that support schemas within a database, specify schema.table-name. If a schema is not provided, then the default "public" schema is used.

    For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • format – A format specification. This is used for an Amazon S3 or an AWS Glue connection that supports multiple formats. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • format_options – Format options for the specified format. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • transformation_ctx – A transformation context to use (optional).


write_from_options(frame_or_dfc, connection_type, connection_options={}, format={}, format_options={}, transformation_ctx = "")

Writes and returns a DynamicFrame or DynamicFrameCollection that is created with the specified connection and format information.

  • frame_or_dfc – The DynamicFrame or DynamicFrameCollection to write.

  • connection_type – The connection type, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and JDBC. Valid values include s3, mysql, postgresql, redshift, sqlserver, and oracle.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as path and database table (optional). For a connection_type of s3, an Amazon S3 path is defined.

    connection_options = {"path": "s3://aws-glue-target/temp"}

    For JDBC connections, several properties must be defined. Note that the database name must be part of the URL. It can optionally be included in the connection options.


    Storing passwords in your script is not recommended. Consider using boto3 to retrieve them from AWS Secrets Manager or the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

    connection_options = {"url": "jdbc-url/database", "user": "username", "password": passwordVariable,"dbtable": "table-name", "redshiftTmpDir": "s3-tempdir-path"}

    The dbtable property is the name of the JDBC table. For JDBC data stores that support schemas within a database, specify schema.table-name. If a schema is not provided, then the default "public" schema is used.

    For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • format – A format specification. This is used for an Amazon S3 or an AWS Glue connection that supports multiple formats. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • format_options – Format options for the specified format. See Data format options for inputs and outputs in AWS Glue for Spark for the formats that are supported.

  • transformation_ctx – A transformation context to use (optional).


write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog(frame, database, table_name, redshift_tmp_dir, transformation_ctx = "", additional_options = {}, catalog_id = None)

Writes and returns a DynamicFrame using information from a Data Catalog database and table.

  • frame – The DynamicFrame to write.

  • Database – The Data Catalog database that contains the table.

  • table_name – The name of the Data Catalog table associated with the target.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • additional_options – A collection of optional name-value pairs.

  • catalog_id — The catalog ID (account ID) of the Data Catalog being accessed. When None, the default account ID of the caller is used.


write_data_frame_from_catalog(frame, database, table_name, redshift_tmp_dir, transformation_ctx = "", additional_options = {}, catalog_id = None)

Writes and returns a DataFrame using information from a Data Catalog database and table. This method supports writing to data lake formats (Hudi, Iceberg, and Delta Lake). For more information, see Using data lake frameworks with AWS Glue ETL jobs.

  • frame – The DataFrame to write.

  • Database – The Data Catalog database that contains the table.

  • table_name – The name of the Data Catalog table that is associated with the target.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – The transformation context to use (optional).

  • additional_options – A collection of optional name-value pairs.

    • useSparkDataSink – When set to true, forces AWS Glue to use the native Spark Data Sink API to write to the table. When you enable this option, you can add any Spark Data Source options to additional_options as needed. AWS Glue passes these options directly to the Spark writer.

  • catalog_id – The catalog ID (account ID) of the Data Catalog being accessed. When you don't specify a value, the default account ID of the caller is used.


Consider the following limitations when you use the useSparkDataSink option:

Example: Writing to a Hudi table using the Spark Data Source writer

hudi_options = { 'useSparkDataSink': True, '': <table_name>, '': 'COPY_ON_WRITE', 'hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field': 'product_id', '': <table_name>, 'hoodie.datasource.write.operation': 'upsert', 'hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field': 'updated_at', 'hoodie.datasource.write.hive_style_partitioning': 'true', 'hoodie.upsert.shuffle.parallelism': 2, 'hoodie.insert.shuffle.parallelism': 2, 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.enable': 'true', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.database': <database_name>, 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.table': <table_name>, 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.use_jdbc': 'false', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.mode': 'hms'} glueContext.write_data_frame.from_catalog( frame = <df_product_inserts>, database = <database_name>, table_name = <table_name>, additional_options = hudi_options )


write_dynamic_frame_from_jdbc_conf(frame, catalog_connection, connection_options={}, redshift_tmp_dir = "", transformation_ctx = "", catalog_id = None)

Writes and returns a DynamicFrame using the specified JDBC connection information.

  • frame – The DynamicFrame to write.

  • catalog_connection – A catalog connection to use.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as path and database table (optional). For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – A transformation context to use (optional).

  • catalog_id — The catalog ID (account ID) of the Data Catalog being accessed. When None, the default account ID of the caller is used.


write_from_jdbc_conf(frame_or_dfc, catalog_connection, connection_options={}, redshift_tmp_dir = "", transformation_ctx = "", catalog_id = None)

Writes and returns a DynamicFrame or DynamicFrameCollection using the specified JDBC connection information.

  • frame_or_dfc – The DynamicFrame or DynamicFrameCollection to write.

  • catalog_connection – A catalog connection to use.

  • connection_options – Connection options, such as path and database table (optional). For more information, see Connection types and options for ETL in AWS Glue for Spark.

  • redshift_tmp_dir – An Amazon Redshift temporary directory to use (optional).

  • transformation_ctx – A transformation context to use (optional).

  • catalog_id — The catalog ID (account ID) of the Data Catalog being accessed. When None, the default account ID of the caller is used.