Visualize alerts from Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus - Amazon Managed Grafana

Visualize alerts from Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

You can visualize your Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus or Prometheus alerts in Amazon Managed Grafana by configuring an Alertmanager data source for Prometheus data sources that you are already connected to.


To configure an Alertmanager for use with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, you must have the following pre-requisites complete:

  • An Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus instance, with ingested metrics, and at least one alert or recording rule configured. You will need the URL for your workspace (from the details of your workspace in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus you can see the Endpoint URL. The workspace URl is the Endpoint URL without the api/v1/remote_write at the end).

  • An Amazon Managed Grafana workspace created with the Prometheus instance configured as a data source.

  • Amazon Managed Grafana must have the following permissions for your Prometheus resources. You must add them to either the service-managed or customer-managed policies described in Amazon Managed Grafana permissions and policies for AWS data sources.

    • aps:ListRules

    • aps:ListAlertManagerSilences

    • aps:ListAlertManagerAlerts

    • aps:GetAlertManagerStatus

    • aps:ListAlertManagerAlertGroups

    • aps:PutAlertManagerSilences

    • aps:DeleteAlertManagerSilence

To configure an Alertmanager data source for use with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus
  1. From your Grafana console, in the Grafana menu, choose the Data source page under Configuration.

  2. Choose Add data source, and select Alertmanager from the list of data source types.

  3. Provide the following information for your new data source.

    • For Implementation, choose Prometheus.

    • Under HTTP, for URL, provide the Prometheus workspace URL, with alertmanager appended. For example,

    • Under Auth, turn on SigV4Auth. This tells Grafana to use the AWS authentication for the requests.

    • Under SigV4Auth Details, for Default Region, provide the region of your Prometheus instance, for example us-east-1.

  4. Choose Save & test to finish your data source setup.

    If your data source is set up correctly, you will see a message saying Health check passed.

To connect your new Alertmanager data source to the Prometheus data source
  1. From your Grafana console, in the Grafana menu, choose the Data source page under Configuration.

  2. Select your original Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus data source and turn on the Manage alerts via Alerting UI toggle switch.

  3. In the Alertmanager data source drop down, select your newly created Alertmanager data source.

  4. Choose Save & test to finish configuring your data source.