Color options - Amazon Managed Grafana

Color options

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Working in Grafana version 9.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

By default, the graph uses the standard Color scheme option to assign series colors. You can also use the legend to open the color picker by selecting the legend series color icon. Setting color this way automatically creates an override rule that set’s a specific color for a specific series.

The following are additional options that you can use to override series color defaults.

Classic palette

The most common setup is to use the Classic palette for graphs. This scheme automatically assigns a color for each field or series based on its order. If the order of a field changes in your query, the color also changes. You can manually configure a color for a specific field using an override rule.

Single color

Use this mode to specify a color. You can also select the colored line icon next to each series in the Legend to open the color picker. This automatically creates a new override that sets the color scheme to single color and the selected color.

By value color schemes

If you select a by value color scheme like From thresholds (by value) or Green-Yellow-Red (by value), the Color series by option appears. This option controls which value (Last, Min, Max) to use to assign the series its color.

Scheme gradient mode

The Gradient mode option located under the Graph styles has a mode named Scheme. When you enable Scheme, the line or bar receives a gradient color defined from the selected Color scheme.

From thresholds

If the Color scheme is set to From thresholds (by value) and Gradient mode is set to Scheme, then the line or bar color changes as they cross the defined thresholds. You will see only the exact colors chosen in the scheme.

Gradient color schemes

Using a gradient color scheme without setting the Gradient mode to Scheme, means that the colors chosen will form a gradient between the colors chosen, as the values in the series move between the thresholds set.