AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.
Greengrass Discovery RESTful API
All client devices that communicate with an AWS IoT Greengrass core must be a member of a Greengrass group. Each group must have a Greengrass core. The Discovery API enables devices to retrieve information required to connect to a Greengrass core that is in the same Greengrass group as the client device. When a client device first comes online, it can connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass service and use the Discovery API to find:
The group to which it belongs. A client device can be a member of up to 10 groups.
The IP address and port for the Greengrass core in the group.
The group CA certificate, which can be used to authenticate the Greengrass core device.
Client devices can also use the AWS IoT Device SDKs to discover connectivity information for a Greengrass core. For more information, see AWS IoT Device SDK.
To use this API, send HTTP requests to the Discovery API endpoint. For example:
For a list of supported Amazon Web Services Regions and endpoints for the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery API, see AWS IoT Greengrass endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. This is a data plane only API. The endpoints for group management and AWS IoT Core operations are different from the Discovery API endpoints.
The request contains the standard HTTP headers and is sent to the Greengrass Discovery endpoint, as shown in the following examples.
The port number depends on whether the core is configured to send HTTPS traffic over port 8443 or port 443. For more information, see Connect on port 443 or through a network proxy.
- Port 8443
HTTP GET https://greengrass-ats.iot.
- Port 443
HTTP GET https://greengrass-ats.iot.
Clients that connect on port 443 must implement the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN)
TLS extension and pass x-amzn-http-ca
as theProtocolName
in theProtocolNameList
. For more information, see Protocols in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.Note
These examples use the Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoint, which is used with ATS root CA certificates (recommended). Endpoints must match the root CA certificate type. For more information, see Service endpoints must match the root CA certificate type.
Upon success, the response includes the standard HTTP headers plus the following code and body:
HTTP 200 BODY: response document
For more information, see Example discover response documents.
Discovery authorization
Retrieving the connectivity information requires a policy that allows the
caller to perform the greengrass:Discover
action. TLS mutual
authentication with a client certificate is the only accepted form of
authentication. The following is an example policy that allows a caller to
perform this action:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "greengrass:Discover", "Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MyThingName"] }] }
Example discover response documents
The following document shows the response for a client device that is a member of a group with one Greengrass core, one endpoint, and one group CA certificate:
{ "GGGroups": [ { "GGGroupId": "
", "Cores": [ { "thingArn": "core-01-thing-arn
", "Connectivity": [ { "id": "core-01-connection-id
", "hostAddress": "core-01-address
", "portNumber":core-01-port
, "metadata": "core-01-description
" } ] } ], "CAs": [ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ] } ] }
The following document shows the response for a client device that is a member of two groups with one Greengrass core, multiple endpoints, and multiple group CA certificates:
{ "GGGroups": [ { "GGGroupId": "
", "Cores": [ { "thingArn": "core-01-thing-arn
", "Connectivity": [ { "id": "core-01-connection-id
", "hostAddress": "core-01-address
", "portNumber":core-01-port
, "metadata": "core-01-connection-1-description
" }, { "id": "core-01-connection-id-2
", "hostAddress": "core-01-address-2
", "portNumber":core-01-port-2
, "metadata": "core-01-connection-2-description
" } ] } ], "CAs": [ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ] }, { "GGGroupId": "gg-group-02-id
", "Cores": [ { "thingArn":"core-02-thing-arn
", "Connectivity" : [ { "id": "core-02-connection-id
", "hostAddress": "core-02-address
", "portNumber":core-02-port
, "metadata": "core-02-connection-1-description
" } ], "CAs": [ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents
-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ] } ] } }
A Greengrass group must define exactly one Greengrass core. Any response from the AWS IoT Greengrass service that contains a list of Greengrass cores contains only one Greengrass core.
If you have cURL
installed, you can test the discovery request. For example:
curl --cert 1a23bc4d56.cert.pem --key 1a23bc4d56.private.key{"GGGroups":[{"GGGroupId":"1234a5b6-78cd-901e-2fgh-3i45j6k1789","Cores":[{"thingArn":"arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:1234567 89012:thing/MyFirstGroup_Core","Connectivity":[{"Id":"AUTOIP_192.168.1.4_1","HostAddress":"","PortNumber ":8883,"Metadata":""}]}],"CAs":["-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n
\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"]}]}