Updating security agent manually - Amazon GuardDuty

Updating security agent manually

When you manage the GuardDuty security agent manually, you are responsible to update it for your account. For notification about new agent versions, you can subscribe to an RSS feed to GuardDuty security agent release versions.

You can update the security agent to the latest version to benefit from the added support and improvements. If your current agent version is reaching an end of standard support, then to continue using Runtime Monitoring (or EKS Runtime Monitoring), you must update your current agent version. For information about release versions, see GuardDuty security agent for Amazon EKS clusters.


Before you update the security agent version, make sure that the agent version that you're planning to use now, is compatible with your Kubernetes version. For more information, see Kubernetes versions supported by GuardDuty security agent.

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/eks/home#/clusters.

  2. Choose your Cluster name.

  3. Choose Add-ons.

  4. Under Add-ons, select GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring.

  5. Choose Edit to update the agent details.

  6. On the Configure GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring page, update the details.

  7. (Optional) Updating add-on configuration parameters

    If your EKS add-on Version is 1.5.0 or above, you can also update the add-on configuration settings.

    1. Expand Optional configuration settings to view the configuration schema.

    2. Update the parameter values based on the range provided in Configure EKS add-on parameters.

    3. Choose Save changes to start the update.

    4. For Conflict resolution method, the option that you choose will be used to resolve a conflict when you update the value of a parameter to a non-default value. For more information about the listed options, see resolveConflicts in the Amazon EKS API Reference.


To update the GuardDuty security agent for your Amazon EKS clusters, see Updating an add-on.


For the add-on version, if you choose v1.5.0 and above, Runtime Monitoring supports configuring specific parameters of the GuardDuty agent. For information about parameter ranges, see Configure EKS add-on parameters.

You can use the following AWS CLI example when using configurable values supported for addon versions v1.5.0 and above. Make sure to replace the placeholder values highlighted in red and the associated Example.json with the configured values.

aws eks update-addon --region us-east-1 --cluster-name myClusterName --addon-name aws-guardduty-agent --addon-version v1.5.0-eksbuild.1 --configuration-values 'file://example.json'
{ "priorityClassName": "aws-guardduty-agent.priorityclass-high", "dnsPolicy": "Default", "resources": { "requests": { "cpu": "237m", "memory": "512Mi" }, "limits": { "cpu": "2000m", "memory": "2048Mi" } } }

If your Amazon EKS add-on version is 1.5.0 or above, and you have configured the add-on schema, you can verify whether or not the values appear correctly for your cluster. For more information, see Verifying configuration schema updates.