How do I create authorization for the FHIR RESTful APIs? - AWS HealthLake

How do I create authorization for the FHIR RESTful APIs?

Users should use a Signature Version 4 signing process to add authentication to HealthLake API requests sent through an HTTP client. To learn more, see Signature Version 4 signing process.

To create sigv4 authorization using the AWS SDK for Python, create a script similar to the following example.

import boto3 import requests import json from requests_auth_aws_sigv4 import AWSSigV4 # Set the input arguments data_store_endpoint = '<datastore id>/r4//' resource_path = "Patient" requestBody = {"resourceType": "Patient", "active": True, "name": [{"use": "official","family": "Dow","given": ["Jen"]},{"use": "usual","given": ["Jen"]}],"gender": "female","birthDate": "1966-09-01"} region = 'us-east-1' #Frame the resource endpoint resource_endpoint = data_store_endpoint+resource_path session = boto3.session.Session(region_name=region) client = session.client("healthlake") # Frame authorization auth = AWSSigV4("healthlake", session=session) # Calling data store FHIR endpoint using SigV4 auth r =, json=requestBody, auth=auth, ) print(r.json())

Additional information about using sigv4 authorization using AWS SDK for Python can be found in the Boto3 credentials topic.