Getting started with Amazon Athena
To integrate HealthLake with Amazon Athena, you must set up permissions. To do this, you'll create an Athena user, group or role, and grant them access to FHIR resources located within a HealthLake data store.
Granting a user, group, or role access to a HealthLake data store (AWS Lake Formation Console)
Persona: HealthLake administrator
The HealthLake administrator persona is a data lake administrator in AWS Lake Formation. They grant access to HealthLake data stores in Lake Formation.
For each data store created, there are two entries visible in the AWS Lake Formation console. One entry is a resource link. Resource link names are always displayed in italics. Each resource link is displayed with the name and owner of its linked shared resource. For all HealthLake data stores, the shared resource owner is the HealthLake service account. The other entry is the HealthLake data store in the HealthLake service account. The steps in this procedure use the data store that is the resource link.
To learn more about resource links, see How resource links work in Lake Formation in the AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide.
For a user, group, or role to be able to query data in Athena, you must grant Describe permission on the resource database. Then, you must grant Select and Describe on the tables.
STEP 1: To grant DESCRIBE permissions on a HealthLake data store resource link database
Open the AWS Lake Formation console:
In the primary navigation bar, choose Databases.
On the Databases page, choose the radio button next to the name of the data store that is in italics.
Choose Actions (▼).
Choose Grant.
On the Grant data permissions page, under Principals, choose IAM users or roles.
Under IAM users or roles, use the down arrow (▼), or search for the IAM user, role, or group that you want to be able to make queries on in Athena.
Under LF-Tags or catalog resources card, choose the Named data catalog resources option.
Under Databases, use the down arrow (▼) to choose the HealthLake data store database that you want to share access to.
In the Resource link permissions card, under Resource link permissions, choose Describe.
When the grant is successful, the Grant permission success banner appears. To view the permission you just granted, choose Data lake permissions. Find the user, group, and role in the table. Under the Permissions column, you will see Describe listed.
Now you must use Grant on target to grant Select and Describe on all tables in the database.
STEP 2: Grant access to all tables in a HealthLake data store resource link
Open the AWS Lake Formation console:
In the primary navigation bar, choose Databases.
On the Databases page, choose the radio button next to the name of the data store that is in italics.
Choose Actions (▼).
Choose Grant on target.
On the Grant data permissions page, under Principals, choose IAM users or roles.
Under IAM users or roles, use the down arrow (▼) or search for the IAM user, group, or role that you want to be able to make queries on in Athena.
Under LF-Tags or catalog resources card, choose the Named data catalog resources option.
Under Databases, use the down arrow (▼) to choose the HealthLake data store database that you want to grant access to.
Under Tables, choose All tables to share all tables with a HealthLake user.
In the Table permissions card, under Table permissions, choose Describe and Select.
Choose Grant.
After choosing grant,a Grant permissions success banner appears. The specified user can now make queries on a HealthLake data store in Athena.
Getting started with Athena
HealthLake user
The HealthLake user will use the Athena console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs to query a HealthLake data store shared with them by the HealthLake administrator.
To query a data store using Athena, you must do the following three things.
Grant the IAM user or role access to the HealthLake data store via Lake Formation. To learn more, see Granting a user, group, or role access to a HealthLake data store (AWS Lake Formation Console).
Create a workgroup for your HealthLake data store.
Designate an Amazon S3 bucket to store your query results.
To get started with Athena, add the AmazonAthenaFullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess AWS managed policies to your user, group or role. Using an AWS managed policy is great way to get started using a new service. Keep in mind that AWS managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they are available for use by all AWS customers. When you set permissions with IAM policies, grant only the permissions required to perform a task. To learn more about IAM and applying least-privilege, see Apply least-privilege permissions in the IAM User Guide.
To query a HealthLake data store in Athena, you must use Athena engine version 3.
Workgroups are resources, and therefore you can use IAM-based policies to control access to specific workgroups. To learn more, see Using workgroups to control query access and costs in the Athena User Guide.
To learn more about setting up workgroups, see in the Athena User Guide.
The region your Amazon S3 bucket is in and the Athena console must match.
Before you can run a query, a query result bucket location in Amazon S3 must be specified, or you must use a workgroup that has specified a bucket and whose configuration overrides client settings. Output files are saved automatically for every query that runs.
For more details on specifying query result locations in the Athena console, see Specifying a query result location using the Athena console in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
To see examples of how to query your HealthLake data store in Athena, see Querying HealthLake data with SQL.