Gunakan PutAnomalyDetector dengan AWS SDK atau CLI - Amazon CloudWatch

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Gunakan PutAnomalyDetector dengan AWS SDK atau CLI

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutAnomalyDetector.

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/// <summary> /// Add an anomaly detector for a single metric. /// </summary> /// <param name="anomalyDetector">A single metric anomaly detector.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> PutAnomalyDetector(SingleMetricAnomalyDetector anomalyDetector) { var putAlarmDetectorResult = await _amazonCloudWatch.PutAnomalyDetectorAsync( new PutAnomalyDetectorRequest() { SingleMetricAnomalyDetector = anomalyDetector }); return putAlarmDetectorResult.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; }

Untuk membuat model deteksi anomali

put-anomaly-detectorContoh berikut membuat model deteksi anomali untuk metrik. CloudWatch

aws cloudwatch put-anomaly-detector \ --namespace AWS/Logs \ --metric-name IncomingBytes \ --stat SampleCount

Perintah ini tidak menghasilkan output.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menggunakan deteksi CloudWatch anomali di CloudWatch Panduan Pengguna Amazon.

SDKuntuk Java 2.x

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/** * Adds an anomaly detector for the given file. * * @param fileName the name of the file containing the anomaly detector configuration * @return a {@link CompletableFuture} that completes when the anomaly detector has been added */ public CompletableFuture<Void> addAnomalyDetectorAsync(String fileName) { CompletableFuture<JsonNode> readFileFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { try { JsonParser parser = new JsonFactory().createParser(new File(fileName)); return new ObjectMapper().readTree(parser); // Return the root node } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read or parse the file", e); } }); return readFileFuture.thenCompose(rootNode -> { try { String customMetricNamespace = rootNode.findValue("customMetricNamespace").asText(); String customMetricName = rootNode.findValue("customMetricName").asText(); SingleMetricAnomalyDetector singleMetricAnomalyDetector = SingleMetricAnomalyDetector.builder() .metricName(customMetricName) .namespace(customMetricNamespace) .stat("Maximum") .build(); PutAnomalyDetectorRequest anomalyDetectorRequest = PutAnomalyDetectorRequest.builder() .singleMetricAnomalyDetector(singleMetricAnomalyDetector) .build(); return getAsyncClient().putAnomalyDetector(anomalyDetectorRequest).thenAccept(response -> {"Added anomaly detector for metric {}", customMetricName); }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create anomaly detector", e); } }).whenComplete((result, exception) -> { if (exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error adding anomaly detector", exception); } }); }
SDKuntuk Kotlin

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suspend fun addAnomalyDetector(fileName: String?) { // Read values from the JSON file. val parser = JsonFactory().createParser(File(fileName)) val rootNode = ObjectMapper().readTree<JsonNode>(parser) val customMetricNamespace = rootNode.findValue("customMetricNamespace").asText() val customMetricName = rootNode.findValue("customMetricName").asText() val singleMetricAnomalyDetectorVal = SingleMetricAnomalyDetector { metricName = customMetricName namespace = customMetricNamespace stat = "Maximum" } val anomalyDetectorRequest = PutAnomalyDetectorRequest { singleMetricAnomalyDetector = singleMetricAnomalyDetectorVal } CloudWatchClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { cwClient -> cwClient.putAnomalyDetector(anomalyDetectorRequest) println("Added anomaly detector for metric $customMetricName.") } }

Untuk daftar lengkap panduan AWS SDK pengembang dan contoh kode, lihatMenggunakan CloudWatch dengan AWS SDK. Topik ini juga mencakup informasi tentang memulai dan detail tentang SDK versi sebelumnya.