RDSEffectiveRecommendationPreferences - AWS Compute Optimizer


Describes the effective recommendation preferences for Amazon RDS.



Describes the CPU vendor and architecture for Amazon RDS recommendations.

Type: Array of strings

Valid Values: AWS_ARM64 | CURRENT

Required: No


Describes the activation status of the enhanced infrastructure metrics preference.

A status of Active confirms that the preference is applied in the latest recommendation refresh, and a status of Inactive confirms that it's not yet applied to recommendations.

For more information, see Enhanced infrastructure metrics in the AWS Compute Optimizer User Guide.

Type: String

Valid Values: Active | Inactive

Required: No


The number of days the utilization metrics of the Amazon RDS are analyzed.

Type: String

Valid Values: DAYS_14 | DAYS_32 | DAYS_93

Required: No


Describes the savings estimation mode preference applied for calculating savings opportunity for Amazon RDS.

Type: RDSSavingsEstimationMode object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: