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Validating your VPC connection - Amazon FinSpace
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Validating your VPC connection


Amazon FinSpace Dataset Browser will be discontinued on March 26, 2025. Starting November 29, 2023, FinSpace will no longer accept the creation of new Dataset Browser environments. Customers using Amazon FinSpace with Managed Kdb Insights will not be affected. For more information, review the FAQ or contact AWS Support to assist with your transition.

After your connection is set up, you can test connectivity to your network. There are two types of connectivity testing available.

  • Basic testing – You can use the curl command in the SageMaker AI Studio notebook environment that is included with FinSpace for basic testing.

  • Advanced testing – You can use the file upload capability in the SageMaker AI Studio notebook to upload your own network diagnostic utilities to test.

Basic connectivity testing using Amazon FinSpace notebooks

If you're testing connectivity to an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint, you can use a FinSpace notebook to test basic connectivity using curl.

To validate the connection using a notebook
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. Open a FinSpace notebook. For more information, see Opening the notebook environment.

  3. From the notebook menu bar, choose the plus (+) icon to create a new cell. In the cell, run the curl command in the shell to test connectivity to the host.


    !curl <hostname or URL>

    For example, run the following command:


    !curl www.google.com


    Keep your cursor in the cell and choose the (>) arrow button from the notebook menu to run the command.

    If successful, the results of the curl command display in your notebook.


After the VPC connectivity is set up for the environment, the internet connection is disabled by default. This is the default unless you have an explicit static route entry in your transit gateway route table that specifies forwarding all traffic to your VPC attachment that has an internet gateway.

Configuring internet access

To ensure FinSpace can connect to your internet gateway
  1. Check that your transit gateway attachment has a private subnet and public subnet with a NAT gateway. The private subnet should be attached to the transit gateway attachment.

  2. Check that the VPC attachment has all Availability Zones (AZ) included in the FinSpace response.

  3. Add a route for private subnets for directing traffic destined to to the dedicated account VPC attachment.

  4. Create a transit gateway static route to direct traffic destined to to the customer account attachment. For more information, see Create a static route in the AWS Transit Gateway User Guide.

    Wait a few minutes before running the next command because there might be a delay before the routes are installed.

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