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PlayerSession - Amazon GameLift Servers
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Represents a player session. Player sessions are created either for a specific game session, or as part of a game session placement or matchmaking request. A player session can represents a reserved player slot in a game session (when status is RESERVED) or actual player activity in a game session (when status is ACTIVE). A player session object, including player data, is automatically passed to a game session when the player connects to the game session and is validated. After the game session ends, player sessions information is retained for 30 days and then removed.

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In the following list, the required parameters are described first.


A time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


The DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format:

  • TLS-enabled fleets: <unique identifier>.<region identifier>.amazongamelift.com.

  • Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-<unique identifier>.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.)

When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.

Type: String

Required: No


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift fleet that the player's game session is running on.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 512.

Pattern: ^arn:.*:[a-z]*fleet\/[a-z]*fleet-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$

Required: No


A unique identifier for the fleet that the player's game session is running on.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Pattern: ^[a-z]*fleet-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+

Required: No


A unique identifier for the game session that the player session is connected to.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Required: No


The IP address of the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift Servers game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Pattern: ^[0-9A-Fa-f\:\.]+

Required: No


Developer-defined information related to a player. Amazon GameLift Servers does not use this data, so it can be formatted as needed for use in the game.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2048.

Required: No


A unique identifier for a player that is associated with this player session.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Required: No


A unique identifier for a player session.

Type: String

Pattern: ^psess-\S+

Required: No


Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift Servers server process, an app needs both the IP address and port number.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 60000.

Required: No


Current status of the player session.

Possible player session statuses include the following:

  • RESERVED -- The player session request has been received, but the player has not yet connected to the server process and/or been validated.

  • ACTIVE -- The player has been validated by the server process and is currently connected.

  • COMPLETED -- The player connection has been dropped.

  • TIMEDOUT -- A player session request was received, but the player did not connect and/or was not validated within the timeout limit (60 seconds).

Type: String


Required: No


A time stamp indicating when this data object was terminated. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").

Type: Timestamp

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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