Configuring the position of LoRaWAN gateways - AWS IoT Wireless

Configuring the position of LoRaWAN gateways

When you add your gateway to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, you can specify the static position data. If you've activated Amazon Location Service maps, the position data is displayed on an Amazon Location map.


The third-party solvers can't be used with LoRaWAN gateways. For gateways, you can still specify the static position coordinates. When solvers aren't used to compute the position, such as in the case of gateways, the accuracy information will be reported as 0.0.

You can configure the gateway position using the AWS Management Console, the AWS IoT Wireless API, or the AWS CLI.

Configuring position of your gateway using the console

To configure the position of your gateway resources by using the AWS Management Console, first sign in to the console and then go to the Gateways hub page of the AWS IoT console.

Add position information

To add a position configuration for your gateway

  1. In the Gateways hub page, choose Add gateway.

  2. Enter the gateway's EUI, frequency band (RFRegion), and any additional gateway details and LoRaWAN configuration information. For more information, see Add a gateway using the console.

  3. Go to the Position information - Optional section, and enter the position information for your gateway using the latitude and longitude coordinates, and an optional altitude coordinate. The position information is based on the WGS84 coordinate system.

View gateway's position

After you've configured your gateway's position, AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN creates an Amazon Location map called You can see this map in the details page of your gateway on the Position tab. Based on the position coordinates that you specified, the position of your gateway will be displayed as a marker on the map. You can zoom in or zoom out to clearly view the position of your gateway on the map. On the Position tab, you'll also see the accuracy information and the timestamp at which your gateway's position was determined.


If you don't have Amazon Location Service maps installed, you'll see a message indicating that you must use Amazon Location Service to access the map and view the gateway position. Using Amazon Location Service maps may incur additional charges to your AWS account. For more information, see AWS IoT Core pricing.

The map,, acts as a source of map data which is accessed using Get API operations, such as GetMapTile. For information about Get APIs used with maps, see Amazon Location Service API reference.

To get additional details about this map, go to the Amazon Location Service console, choose maps, and then choose For more information, see Maps in the Amazon Location Service developer guide.

Update gateway's position configuration

To change the gateway's position configuration, in the gateway details page, choose Edit and then update the position information and the destination.


Information about historical position data isn't available. When you update the gateway's position coordinates, it overwrites the previously reported position data. After you've updated the position, in the Position tab of the gateway details, you'll see the new position information. The change in timestamp indicates that it corresponds to the last known position of the gateway.

Configure position of your gateway using the API

You can specify the position information and configure the gateway position using the AWS IoT Wireless API or the AWS CLI.


The API actions UpdatePosition, GetPosition, PutPositionConfiguration, GetPositionConfiguration, and ListPositionConfigurations are no longer supported. Calls to update and retrieve the position information should use the GetResourcePosition and UpdateResourcePosition API operations instead.

Add position information

To add the static position information for a given wireless gateway, specify the coordinates using the UpdateResourcePosition API operation or the update-resource-position CLI command. Specify WirelessGateway as the ResourceType, the ID of the wireless gateway to be updated as the ResourceIdentifier, and the position information as a GeoJSON payload.

aws iotwireless update-resource-position \ --resource-type WirelessGateway \ --resource-id "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d" \ --cli-input-json file://gatewayposition.json

The following shows the contents of the gatewayposition.json file.

Contents of gatewayposition.json

{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [33.3318, -22.2155, 13.123], "properties": { "timestamp": "2018-11-30T18:35:24Z" } }

Running this command doesn't produce any output. To see the position information that you specified, use the GetResourcePosition API operation.

Get position information

To get the position information for a given wireless gateway, use the GetResourcePosition API operation or the get-resource-position CLI command. Specify WirelessGateway as the resourceType and provide the ID of the wireless gateway as the resourceIdentifier.

aws iotwireless get-resource-position \ --resource-type WirelessGateway \ --resource-id "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d"

Running this command displays the position information of your wireless gateway as a GeoJSON payload. You'll see information about the position coordinates, the type of position information, and additional properties, such as the timestamp which corresponds to the last known position of the gateway.

{ { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [33.3318,-22.2155,13.123], "properties": { "timestamp": "2018-11-30T18:35:24Z" } } }