Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) is an algorithm for community detection that is also used in semi-supervised machine learning for data classification.
A community structure is loosely defined as a tightly knit group of entities in social networks. LPA can be enhanced by providing a set of seed nodes, the quality of which can dramatically influence the solution quality of the found communities. If the seeds are well-selected, the quality of the solution can be good, but if not, the quality of the solution can be very bad.
See Xu T. Liu et al, Direction-optimizing label propagation
and its application to community detection
The time complexity of the algorithm is O(k|E|)
, where |E|
is the number of edges in the graph, and k
is the number of iterations
for the algorithm to converge. Its space complexity is O(|V|)
, where
is the number of nodes in the graph.
CALL neptune.algo.labelPropagation( [
source-node list (required)
], { edgeLabels: [list of edge labels for filtering (optional)
], vertexLabel:a node label for filtering (optional)
, vertexWeightProperty:a numeric node property used to weight the community ID (optional)
, vertexWeightType:numeric type of the specified vertexWeightProperty (optional)
, edgeWeightProperty:a numeric edge property used to weight the community ID (optional)
, edgeWeightType:numeric type of the specified edgeWeightProperty (optional)
, maxIterations:the maximum number of iterations to run (optional, default: 10)
, traversalDirection:traversal direction (optional, default: outbound)
, concurrency:number of threads to use (optional)
} ) Yield node, community Return node, community
a source node list (required) – type:
; default: none.The node or nodes to use as the starting locations for the algorithm. Each node in the list triggers an execution of the algorithm. If an empty list is provided, the query result is also empty.
If the algorithm is called following a
clause (query algo integration), the source query list is the result returned by theMATCH
clause. -
a configuration object that contains:
edgeLabels (optional) – type: a list of edge label strings; example:
; default: no edge filtering....
]To filter on one more edge labels, provide a list of the ones to filter on. If no
field is provided then all edge labels are processed during traversal. -
vertexLabel (optional) – type:
; default: none.A node label for node filtering. If a node label is provided, nodes matching the label are the only nodes that are included in the calculation, including nodes in the input list.
vertexWeightProperty (optional) – type:
; default: none.The node weight used in Label Propagation. When
is not specified, each node'scommunityId
is treated equally, as if the node weight were 1.0. When the
is specified without anvertexWeightProperty
, the weight of thecommunityId
for each node is the value of the node weight property. When bothvertexWeightProperty
are specified, the weight of thecommunityId
is the product of the node property value and edge property value.Note that if multiple properties exist on the node with the name specified by
, one of those property values will be sampled at random. -
vertexWeightType (required if
is present) – type:string
; valid values:"int"
; default: empty.The type of the numeric values in the node property specified by
is not provided,vertexWeightType
is ignored. If a node contains a numeric property with the name specified byvertexWeightProperty
but its value is a different numeric type than is specified byvertexWeightType
, the value is typecast to the type specified byvertexWeightType
. If bothvertexWeightType
are given, the type specified byedgeWeightType
is used for both node and edge properties. -
edgeWeightProperty (optional) – type:
; default: none.The numeric edge property used as a weight in Label Propagation. When
is not specified, the default edge weight is 1.0, so each edge is treated equally. When onlyedgeWeightProperty
is provided, the weight of the communityId is the value of that edge property. When bothvertexWeightProperty
are present, the weight of acommunityId
is the product of the edge property value and the node property value.Note that if multiple properties exist on the edge with the name specified by
, one of those property values will be sampled at random. -
edgeWeightType (required if
is present) – type:string
; valid values:"int"
; default: none.The type of the numeric values in the edge property specified by
is not provided,edgeWeightType
is ignored. If a node contains a numeric property with the name specified byedgeWeightProperty
but its value is a different numeric type than is specified byedgeWeightType
, the value is typecast to the type specified byedgeWeightType
. If bothvertexWeightType
are given, the type specified byedgeWeightType
is used for both node and edge properties. -
traversalDirection (optional) – type:
; default:"outbound"
.The direction of edge to follow. Must be one of:
, or"both"
. -
maxIterations (optional) – type: integer; default:
.The maximum number of iterations to run.
concurrency (optional) – type: 0 or 1; default: 0.
Controls the number of concurrent threads used to run the algorithm.
If set to
, uses all available threads to complete execution of the individual algorithm invocation. If set to1
, uses a single thread. This can be useful when requiring the invocation of many algorithms concurrently.
node – A key column of the input nodes.
community – A key column of the corresponding
values for those nodes. All the nodes with the samecommunityId
are in the same weakly-connected component.
If the input node list is empty, the output is empty.
query examples
This is a standalone example, where the source node list is explicitly provided in the query. It runs the algorithm over the whole graph, but only queries the component ID of one node:
CALL neptune.algo.labelPropagation( ["101"], { edgeLabels: ["route"], maxIterations: 10, vertexLabel: "airport", vertexWeightProperty: "runways", vertexWeightType: "int", edgeWeightProperty: "dist", edgeWeightType: "int", traversalDirection: "both", concurrency: 2 } ) YIELD node, community RETURN node, community
This is a query integration example, where .labelPropagation
uses the
output of a preceding MATCH
clause as its source node list:
Match (n) CALL neptune.algo.labelPropagation( n, { edgeLabels: ["route"], maxIterations: 10, vertexLabel: "airport", vertexWeightProperty: "runways", vertexWeightType: "int", edgeWeightProperty: "dist", edgeWeightType: "int", traversalDirection: "both", concurrency: 2 } ) YIELD community RETURN n, community
It is not good practice to use MATCH(n)
without restriction
in query integrations. Keep in mind that every node returned by the MATCH(n)
clause invokes the algorithm once, which can result a very long-running query if
a large number of nodes is returned. Use LIMIT
or put conditions on the
clause to restrict its output appropriately.
Sample .labelPropagation
Here is an example of the output returned by .labelPropagation when run against the
sample air-routes dataset [nodes]
"results": [{
"node": {
"~id": "8",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["airport"],
"~properties": {
"region": "US-TX",
"runways": 7,
"country": "US",
"city": "Dallas",
"type": "airport",
"icao": "KDFW",
"lon": -97.038002014160199,
"code": "DFW",
"lat": 32.896800994872997,
"longest": 13401,
"elev": 607,
"desc": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport"
"community": 2357352929952311
}, {
"node": {
"~id": "24",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["airport"],
"~properties": {
"region": "US-CA",
"runways": 3,
"country": "US",
"city": "San Jose",
"type": "airport",
"icao": "KSJC",
"lon": -121.929000854492,
"code": "SJC",
"lat": 37.362598419189503,
"longest": 11000,
"elev": 62,
"desc": "Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport"
"community": 2357352929952311