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start-export-task - Neptune Analytics
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This command starts an export task on a graph in Neptune Analytics. It allows you to export your graph into columnar structured .csv and .parquet files. Calling export on a graph will generate a unique taskId that you can use to track the progress of your export. When an export is triggered, a clone of your graph is created to process the export request, allowing your graph to continue servicing queries and analytics with no performance impact.

start-export-task syntax

aws neptune-graph start-export-task \ --graph-identifier <GRAPH_ID> \ --region <region> \ --role-arn <arn> \ --format <format> \ [--parquet-type <parquet-type>] \ --kms-key-identifier <kms-key> \ --destination <s3-url> \ [--export-filter <filter-json>] #See filtering section for details.

start-export-task inputs

  • --graph-identifier <GRAPH_ID> - The unique identifier of the Neptune Analytics graph to export.

  • --region <region> - The AWS region where the Neptune Analytics graph is located.

  • --role-arn <arn> - The ARN of an IAM role that grants Neptune Analytics the necessary permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket for the export.

  • --format <format> - The output format for the exported data, either CSV or PARQUET.

  • --kms-key-identifier <kms-key> - The AWS KMS key to use for server-side encryption of the exported data in Amazon S3. For more information see Create and configure IAM role and AWS KMS key.

  • --destination <s3-url> - The Amazon S3 location where the exported data will be written. The provided role-arn must have permission to write to this location. Exported data will be written to this folder in a sub-directory given by the export taskId. See start-export-task output for more information.

  • --export-filter <filter-json> - A JSON object that specifies which vertices and edges to include in the export, based on their labels and properties. This field is optional, and if not provided, a value of {}' is used, corresponding to an export of the whole property graph. For more detail on the export filter JSON object, see Specifying a filter for expanded syntax and examples.

start-export-task output

The response from the start-export-task is a JSON string. The taskId is the most significant value in the return, as this can be used to identify the export process when calling get-export-task or list-export-task, as well as identifying the export process in CloudWatch logs. Other values in the return can be used to keep track of which expert parameters were invoked for a given taskId.

{ "graphId": "$GRAPH_ID", // The identifier of the graph being exported. "roleArn": "$arn", // The ARN of the IAM role being used to give // export the required permissions. "taskId": "$taskId", // A unique id corresponding to the requested export. "status": "INITIALIZING", // The status of the export. // One of INITIALIZING, // EXPORTING, // SUCCEEDED, // FAILED, // CANCELLING, // CANCELLED "format": "PARQUET", // The requested format of the export. // One of CSV or PARQUET. "destination": "$s3-uri", // The Amazon S3 location where the exported // data will be written. "kmsKeyIdentifier": "$kms_key", // The AWS KMS key to use for server-side // encryption of the exported data in Amazon S3. "parquetType": "COLUMNAR" // If a Parquet export was requested, // gives the Parquet type. }

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