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Ready2Run workflows in HealthOmics

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Ready2Run workflows in HealthOmics - AWS HealthOmics
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Ready2Run workflows are preconfigured workflows published by third-party publishers. Some publishers, such as Sentieon Inc, offer subscription-based workflows. Other Ready2Run workflows don't require a subscription, and some workflows are open source, such as the NF-Core workflows.

Ready2Run workflows are well-suited to the following scenarios:

  • You want to focus on the analysis of pipeline output and generating results, without the need to set up the underlying infrastructure.

  • You want to replicate your results using established workflows.

  • As a software developer, you want to integrate your application directly with the HealthOmics SDK.

All Ready2Run workflows provide logs, including CloudWatch logs, that you can use for troubleshooting.


Sentieon Ready2Run workflows are subscription-based. When you run a Sentieon Ready2Run workflow for the first time in an account, Sentieon automatically creates a two-week evaluation license for your AWS account. The license is valid for all Sentieon Ready2Run workflows. After the evaluation period ends, you can request a permanent license or request an extension to the evaluation license. See Subscribing to Sentieon Ready2Run workflows for details.

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