Launch a Spark job in a transient EMR cluster using a Lambda function - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Launch a Spark job in a transient EMR cluster using a Lambda function

Created by Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee (AWS)

Environment: Production

Technologies: Analytics

Workload: Open-source

AWS services: Amazon EMR; AWS Identity and Access Management; AWS Lambda; Amazon VPC


This pattern uses the Amazon EMR RunJobFlow API action to launch a transient cluster to run a Spark job from a Lambda function. A transient EMR cluster is designed to terminate as soon as the job is complete or if any error occurs. A transient cluster provides cost savings because it runs only during the computation time, and it provides scalability and flexibility in a cloud environment.

The transient EMR cluster is launched using the Boto3 API and the Python programming language in a Lambda function. The Lambda function, which is written in Python, provides the added flexibility of initiating the cluster when it is needed.

To demonstrate a sample batch computation and output, this pattern will launch a Spark job in an EMR cluster from a Lambda function and run a batch computation against the example sales data of a fictional company. The output of the Spark job will be a comma-separated values (CSV) file in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The input data file, Spark .jar file, a code snippet, and an AWS CloudFormation template for a virtual private cloud (VPC) and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to run the computation are provided as an attachment.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active AWS account


  • Only one Spark job can be initiated from the code at a time. 

Product versions

  • Tested on Amazon EMR 6.0.0


Target technology stack  

  • Amazon EMR 

  • AWS Lambda

  • Amazon S3

  • Apache Spark

Target architecture 

Lambda to Amazon EMR and Spark to Amazon S3

Automation and scale

To automate the Spark-EMR batch computation, you can use either of the following options.


AWS services

  • Amazon EMR is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks on AWS to process and analyze large amounts of data.

  • AWS Lambda is a compute service that helps you run code without needing to provision or manage servers. It runs your code only when needed and scales automatically, so you pay only for the compute time that you use.

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a cloud-based object storage service that helps you store, protect, and retrieve any amount of data.

Other tools

  • Apache Spark is a multiple-language analytics engine for large-scale data processing.


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create the IAM roles and the VPC.

If you already have the AWS Lambda and Amazon EMR IAM roles and a VPC, you can skip this step. To run the code, both the EMR cluster and the Lambda function require IAM roles. The EMR cluster also requires a VPC with a public subnet or a private subnet with a NAT gateway. To automatically create all the IAM roles and a VPC, deploy the attached AWS CloudFormation template as is, or you can create the roles and the VPC manually as specified in the Additional information section.

Cloud architect

Note the AWS CloudFormation template output keys.

After the CloudFormation template has successfully deployed, navigate to the Outputs tab in the AWS CloudFormation console. Note the five output keys:

  • S3Bucket

  • LambdaExecutionRole

  • ServiceRole

  • JobFlowRole

  • Ec2SubnetId

You will use the values from these keys when you create the Lambda function.

Cloud architect
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Upload the Spark .jar file.

Upload the Spark .jar file to the S3 bucket that the AWS CloudFormation stack created. The bucket name is the same as the output key S3Bucket.

General AWS
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create a Lambda function.

On the Lambda console, create a Python 3.9+ Lambda function with an execution role. The execution role policy must allow Lambda to launch an EMR cluster. (See the attached AWS CloudFormation template.)

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Copy and paste the code.

Replace the code in the file with the code from the Additional information section of this pattern.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Change the parameters in the code.

Follow the comments in the code to change the parameter values to match your AWS account.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Launch the function to initiate the cluster.

Launch the function to initiate the creation of a transient EMR cluster with the Spark .jar file provided. It will run the Spark job and terminate automatically when the job is complete.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Check the EMR cluster status.

After the EMR cluster is initiated, it appears in the Amazon EMR console under the Clusters tab. Any errors while launching the cluster or running the job can be be checked accordingly.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Upload the Spark .jar file.

Download the Spark .jar file from the Attachments section and upload it to the S3 bucket.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Upload the input dataset.

Upload the attached fake_sales_data.csv file to the S3 bucket.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Paste the Lambda code and change the parameters.

Copy the code from the Tools section, and paste the code in a Lambda function, replacing the code file. Change the parameter values to match your account.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Launch the function and verify the output.

After the Lambda function initiates the cluster with the provided Spark job, it generates a .csv file in the S3 bucket.

Data engineer, Cloud engineer

Related resources

Additional information


""" Copy paste the following code in your Lambda function. Make sure to change the following key parameters for the API as per your account -Name (Name of Spark cluster) -LogUri (S3 bucket to store EMR logs) -Ec2SubnetId (The subnet to launch the cluster into) -JobFlowRole (Service role for EC2) -ServiceRole (Service role for Amazon EMR) The following parameters are additional parameters for the Spark job itself. Change the bucket name and prefix for the Spark job (located at the bottom). -s3://your-bucket-name/prefix/lambda-emr/SparkProfitCalc.jar (Spark jar file) -s3://your-bucket-name/prefix/fake_sales_data.csv (Input data file in S3) -s3://your-bucket-name/prefix/outputs/report_1/ (Output location in S3) """ import boto3 client = boto3.client('emr') def lambda_handler(event, context): response = client.run_job_flow( Name='spark_job_cluster', LogUri='s3://your-bucket-name/prefix/logs', ReleaseLabel='emr-6.0.0', Instances={ 'MasterInstanceType': 'm5.xlarge', 'SlaveInstanceType': 'm5.large', 'InstanceCount': 1, 'KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps': False, 'TerminationProtected': False, 'Ec2SubnetId': 'subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }, Applications=[{'Name': 'Spark'}], Configurations=[ {'Classification': 'spark-hive-site', 'Properties': { 'hive.metastore.client.factory.class': 'com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSGlueDataCatalogHiveClientFactory'} } ], VisibleToAllUsers=True, JobFlowRole='EMRLambda-EMREC2InstanceProfile-XXXXXXXXX', ServiceRole='EMRLambda-EMRRole-XXXXXXXXX', Steps=[ { 'Name': 'flow-log-analysis', 'ActionOnFailure': 'TERMINATE_CLUSTER', 'HadoopJarStep': { 'Jar': 'command-runner.jar', 'Args': [ 'spark-submit', '--deploy-mode', 'cluster', '--executor-memory', '6G', '--num-executors', '1', '--executor-cores', '2', '--class', '', 's3://your-bucket-name/prefix/lambda-emr/SparkProfitCalc.jar', 's3://your-bucket-name/prefix/fake_sales_data.csv', 's3://your-bucket-name/prefix/outputs/report_1/' ] } } ] )

IAM roles and VPC creation

To launch the EMR cluster in a Lambda function, a VPC and IAM roles are needed. You can set up the VPC and IAM roles by using the AWS CloudFormation template in the Attachments section of this pattern, or you can manually create them by using the following links. 

The following IAM roles are required to run Lambda and Amazon EMR. 

Lambda execution role

A Lambda function's execution role grants it permission to access AWS services and resources.

Service role for Amazon EMR

The Amazon EMR role defines the allowable actions for Amazon EMR when provisioning resources and performing service-level tasks that are not performed in the context of an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance running within a cluster. For example, the service role is used to provision EC2 instances when a cluster launches.

Service role for EC2 instances

The service role for cluster EC2 instances (also called the EC2 instance profile for Amazon EMR) is a special type of service role that is assigned to every EC2 instance in an Amazon EMR cluster when the instance launches. Application processes that run on top of Apache Hadoop assume this role for permissions to interact with other AWS services.

VPC and subnet creation

You can create a VPC from the VPC console. 


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