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CommitmentConfiguration - AWS Private 5G
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Determines the duration and renewal status of the commitment period for a radio unit.

For pricing, see AWS Private 5G Pricing.



Determines whether the commitment period for a radio unit is set to automatically renew in 1 year increments after your current commitment period expires.

Set to True, if you want your commitment period to automatically renew. Set to False if you do not want your commitment to automatically renew.

You can do the following:

  • Set a 1-year commitment to automatically renew. Your commitment will renew each year. The hourly rate will continue at your existing 1-year rate.

  • Set a 3-year commitment to automatically renew in 1 year increments. The hourly rate will continue at your existing 3-year rate.

  • Turn off a previously-enabled automatic renewal on a 1-year or 3-year commitment.

You cannot use the automatic-renewal option for a 60-day commitment.

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes


The duration of the commitment period for the radio unit. You can choose a 60-day, 1-year, or 3-year period.

Type: String


Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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