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[AG.SAD.7] Implement rotation policies for secrets, keys, and certificates - DevOps Guidance
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[AG.SAD.7] Implement rotation policies for secrets, keys, and certificates


Regular rotation of secrets, keys, and certificates is a best practice in securing access, limiting the potential damage that can occur should these security resources become compromised. In a DevOps environment, pipelines often require access to sensitive environments and workloads, making them potential targets for attacks. The routine rotation of these resources that are used by pipelines can help to significantly mitigate this risk.

Establish a policy that clearly defines the lifecycle of these resources, including their creation, usage, rotation, and retirement intervals. Enforce these policies by automatically rotating secrets and keys to reduce the risk of oversights, delays, and human error.

Certificates play an important role in service-to-service authentication and providing encryption for both internal and external facing workloads and environments. When managing certificates, consider not only those issued within your organization but also those imported from external sources which may not be automatically renewable.

Monitoring systems that track the lifespan of these assets and alert administrators as they near expiration can contribute to this process. This approach can help prevent service disruptions caused by expired certificates and, in some cases, can trigger automated renewal procedures.

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