A Windows operating system ISO file is a disk image file that contains the complete installation package for a specific version of the Windows operating system. Microsoft provides official Windows operating system ISO files for download, either directly from their website or through authorized resellers. It's important to ensure that you obtain the ISO files from a trusted and legitimate source to avoid potential malware or unauthorized versions.
EC2 Image Builder uses the build-image-from-iso
import workflow to import the ISO disk
file and create a secondary volume from it. After configuration is complete, Image Builder takes
a snapshot of the volume it created from the import and uses it to create an Amazon Machine
Image (AMI).
Supported operating systems for ISO disk image import
Image Builder supports the following Windows operating system ISO disk images:
Windows 11 version 24H2
Windows 11 version 23H2
Windows 11 version 22H2
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) images are not supported.
Image Builder doesn't support ISO disk images created from the Windows Media Creation Tool. To ensure that you can import your ISO image, download it from the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Prerequisites to import an ISO disk image
To import an ISO disk image, you must first meet the following prerequisites:
The operating system of the disk image must be one that Image Builder supports. For a list of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems for ISO disk image import.
To ensure that you can import your ISO image, download it from the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Before you can run the import process, you must upload your ISO disk file to Amazon S3 in the same AWS account and AWS Region where the import runs.
The file extension is case sensitive for the import process, and must be
. If your file extension is lowercase, you can run one of the following commands to rename it:aws s3 cp s3://
.iso s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket
.ISO -
Microsoft licensing is not automatically included with the import. You must bring your own license (BYOL). For more information about licensing for Microsoft software, see Licensing
on the Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions page. -
The import process uses two separate IAM roles, as follows:
- Execution role
This role grants permission for Image Builder to call AWS services on your behalf. You can specify the AWSServiceRoleForImageBuilder service-linked role, which includes the permissions needed for the execution role, or you can create your own role.
- Instance profile role
This role grants permission for the actions that the service performs on the EC2 instance. You can specify an instance profile role in your infrastructure configuration resource. You can attach the EC2InstanceProfileForImageBuilder managed policy to your instance profile role. This policy has the permissions needed for the import process. For more information, see Manage Image Builder infrastructure configuration.
Import an ISO disk image into Image Builder
Before you start the import process, make sure that you've met all of the Prerequisites.
The import process additionally installs the following software and drivers on your image:
EC2Launch v2
AWS Systems Manager agent
AWS NVMe driver
AWS ENA network driver
AWS PCI Serial Driver
EC2 Windows utilities
To import an ISO disk image with the Image Builder console, follow these steps:
Open the EC2 Image Builder console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/imagebuilder/
. -
Choose Images from the navigation pane.
To open the import dialog, choose Import image.
Enter the following General information:
Specify a unique Name for your image.
Specify a Version for the base image. Use the following format:
Choose the import type: ISO import.
Enter the following ISO import configuration details. Then choose Import image when you're done.
S3 URI – Enter the location where your ISO disk file is stored. To browse for the file, choose Browse S3.
IAM role – To associate an IAM role with your import configuration, select the role from the IAM role dropdown list, or choose Create new role to create a new one. If you create a new role, the IAM Roles console page opens in a separate tab.
You can specify the AWSServiceRoleForImageBuilder service-linked role, or you can specify your own custom role for service access.
You can optionally add tags to your Image Builder image resource. This does not add the tags to your AMI.
The ISO infrastructure configuration defines settings for the instance that Image Builder launches to host the import process. You can use an infrastructure configuration that Image Builder creates, based on service defaults, or you can use an existing infrastructure configuration. For more information, see Manage Image Builder infrastructure configuration.
To create a new infrastructure configuration , choose Create infrastructure configuration. This opens in a separate tab. When you're done creating the new resource, you can return to the import configuration, and choose Use existing infrastructure configuration.
To start the import process, choose Import image.
After the import is complete, your image appears in the list of images that you own. For more details, see List images.