This section includes details for the step actions that Image Builder supports.
Terms used in this section
Amazon Machine Image
Amazon Resource Name
Supported actions
This step action runs a service script to bootstrap the instance with minimum requirements to run container workflows. Image Builder uses the sendCommand in the Systems Manager API to run this script. For more information, see AWS Systems Manager Run Command.
The bootstrap script installs the AWS CLI and Docker packages that are prerequisites for Image Builder to successfully build Docker containers. If you don't include this step action, the image build could fail.
Default Timeout: 60 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID of the instance to bootstrap. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the bootstrap script on the instance. | String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: ContainerBootstrapStep
action: BootstrapInstanceForContainer
onFailure: Abort
instanceId.$: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action is only valid for build workflows.
EC2 Image Builder runs AWS Systems Manager (Systems Manager) Agent on the EC2 instances it launches to build and test your image. Image Builder collects additional information about the instance used during the build phase with Systems Manager Inventory. This information includes the operating system (OS) name and version, as well as the list of packages and their respective versions as reported by your operating system.
This step action only works for images that create AMIs.
Default Timeout: 30 minutes
Rollback: Image Builder rolls back any Systems Manager resources that were created during this step.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The build instance to apply the metadata settings to. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the build instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
osVersion | The operating system name and version collected from the build instance. | String |
associationId | The Systems Manager association ID used for inventory collection. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: CollectMetadataStep
action: CollectImageMetadata
onFailure: Abort
instanceId: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use output from the step action in the workflow document.
If Amazon Inspector is enabled for your account and image scanning is enabled for your pipeline, this step action collects image scan findings reported by Amazon Inspector for your test instance. This step action is not available for build workflows.
Default Timeout: 120 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID for the instance that scanning ran on. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the script to collect findings. | String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: CollectFindingsStep
action: CollectImageScanFindings
onFailure: Abort
instanceId.$: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action creates an image from a running instance with the Amazon EC2
API. During the creation process, the step action
waits as necessary to verify that the resources have reached the correct state
before it continues.
Default Timeout: 720 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The instance to create the new image from. | String | Yes | The instance for the provided instance ID must be in
a running state when this step starts. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
imageId | The AMI ID of the image that's created. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: CreateImageFromInstance
action: CreateImage
onFailure: Abort
instanceId.$: "i-1234567890abcdef0"
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action runs components that are specified in the recipe for the current image being built. Build workflows run build components on the build instance. Test workflows only run test components on the test instance.
Image Builder uses the sendCommand in the Systems Manager API to run components. For more information, see AWS Systems Manager Run Command.
Default Timeout: 720 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID for the instance that the components should run on. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the components on the instance. | String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: ExecComponentsStep
action: ExecuteComponents
onFailure: Abort
instanceId: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use output from the step action in the workflow document.
This step action launches an instance in your AWS account and waits until the Systems Manager agent is running on the instance before moving on to the next step. The launch action uses settings from your recipe and infrastructure configuration resources that are associated with your image. For example, the instance type to launch comes from the infrastructure configuration. The output is the instance ID of the instance that it launched.
The waitFor
input configures the condition that satisfies the
step completion requirement.
Default Timeout: 60 minutes
Rollback: For build instances, rollback performs the action that you've configured in your infrastructure configuration resource. By default, build instances are terminated if image creation fails. However, there is a setting in the infrastructure configuration to keep the build instance for troubleshooting.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
waitFor | The condition to wait for before completing the workflow step and moving on to the next step. | String | Yes | Image Builder currently supports ssmAgent . |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
instanceId | The instance ID of the instance that launched. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: LaunchStep
action: LaunchInstance
onFailure: Abort
waitFor: ssmAgent
Use output from the step action in the workflow document.
This step action runs a command document for your workflow. Image Builder uses the sendCommand in the Systems Manager API to run it for you. For more information, see AWS Systems Manager Run Command.
Default Timeout: 12 hours
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID of the instance to run the command document on. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. | |
documentName | The name of the Systems Manager command document to run. | String | Yes | ||
parameters | A list of key value pairs for any parameters that the command document requires. | dictionary<string, list<string>> | Conditional | ||
documentVersion | The command document version to run. | String | No | $DEFAULT |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the command document on the instance. | String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | List of strings |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: RunCommandDoc
action: RunCommand
onFailure: Abort
documentName: SampleDocument
- "linux
instanceId.$: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action uses the sendCommand in the Systems Manager API to
run the AWSEC2-RunSysprep
document for Windows
instances before the build instance shuts down for the snapshot.
These actions follow AWS best practices for
hardening and cleaning the image
Default Timeout: 60 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID of the instance to run the
AWSEC2-RunSysprep document on. |
String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the
AWSEC2-RunSysprep document on the instance. |
String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: RunSysprep
action: RunSysPrep
onFailure: Abort
instanceId.$: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action runs the recommended sanitize script for Linux instances before the build instance shuts down for the snapshot. The sanitize script helps ensure that the final image follows security best practices, and that build artifacts or settings that should not carry over to your snapshot are removed. For more information about the script, see Required post-build clean up. This step action does not apply to container images.
Image Builder uses the sendCommand in the Systems Manager API to run this script. For more information, see AWS Systems Manager Run Command.
Default Timeout: 60 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID of the instance to sanitize. | String | Yes | This must be the output instance ID from the workflow step that launched the instance for this workflow. |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
runCommandId | The ID of the Systems Manager sendCommand that ran the sanitize script on the instance. | String |
status | The status returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
output | Output returned from the Systems Manager sendCommand. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: SanitizeStep
action: SanitizeInstance
onFailure: Abort
instanceId: $.stepOutputs.LaunchStep
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.
This step action terminate the instance with the instance id that's passed in as input.
Default Timeout: 30 minutes
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
instanceId | The ID of the instance to terminate. | String | Yes |
Outputs: There are no outputs for this step action.
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: TerminateInstance
action: TerminateInstance
onFailure: Continue
instanceId.$: i-1234567890abcdef0
This step action pauses the running workflow and waits to receive an
external action from the Image Builder SendWorkflowStepAction
API action. This step publishes an EventBridge event to your default EventBridge event
bus with detail type EC2 Image Builder Workflow Step Waiting
The step can also send an SNS notification if you provide an SNS Topic ARN.
Default Timeout: 3 days
Rollback: There is no rollback for this step action.
Inputs: The following table includes supported inputs for this step action.
Input name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Constraints |
snsTopicArn | An optional SNS topic ARN to send a notification to when the workflow step is pending. | String | No |
Outputs: The following table includes outputs for this step action.
Output name | Description | Type |
action | The action that the SendWorkflowStepAction API action returns. | String (RESUME or STOP ) |
reason | The reason for the returned action. | String |
Specify the step action in the workflow document.
- name: SendEventAndWait
action: WaitForAction
onFailure: Abort
snsTopicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2
Use the output of the step action value in the workflow document.