Using the Amazon Inspector TeamCity plugin - Amazon Inspector

Using the Amazon Inspector TeamCity plugin

The Amazon Inspector TeamCity plugin gives you the ability to add Amazon Inspector vulnerability scans to your TeamCity pipeline. The plugin leverages the Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator binary and Amazon Inspector Scan API to produce detailed reports at the end of your build so you can investigate and remediate risk before deployment. The scans can also be configured to pass or fail pipeline executions based on the number and severity of vulnerabilities detected.

Amazon Inspector is a vulnerability management service offered by AWS that scans container images for both operating system and programming language package vulnerabilities based on CVEs. For more information on the Amazon Inspector CI/CD integration see Integrating Amazon Inspector scans into your CI/CD pipeline.

For a list of packages and container image formats the Amazon Inspector plugin supports see, Supported packages types.

You can view the latest version of the plugin in the TeamCity marketplace at Alternatively, follow the steps in each section of this document to set up the Amazon Inspector TeamCity plugin:

  1. Set up an AWS account.

  2. Install the Amazon Inspector TeamCity plugin.

    1. From your dashboard, go to Administration > Plugins.

    2. Search for Amazon Inspector Scans.

    3. Install the plugin.

  3. Install the Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator.

    • Install the Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator binary in your Teamcity server directory. For instructions, see Installing Sbomgen.

  4. Add an Amazon Inspector Scan build step to your project.

    1. On the configuration page, scroll down to Build Steps, choose Add build step, and then select Amazon Inspector Scan.

    2. Configure the Amazon Inspector Scan build step by filling in following details:

      • Add a Step name.

      • Choose between two Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator installation methods: Automatic or Manual.

        • Automatic downloads the most recent version of Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator based on your system and CPU architecture.

        • Manual requires that you provide a complete path to a previously downloaded version of Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator.

        For more informaiton, see Installing Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator (Sbomgen) in Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator.

      • Input your Image Id. Your image can be local, remote, or archived. Image names should follow the Docker naming convention. If analyzing an exported image, provide the path to the expected tar file. See the following example Image Id paths:

        • For local or remote containers: NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]

        • For a tar file: /path/to/image.tar

      • For IAM Role enter the ARN for the role you configured in step 1.

      • Select an AWS Region to send the scan request through.

      • (Optional) For Docker Authentication enter your Docker Username and Docker Password. Do this only if your container image is in a private repository.

      • (Optional) For AWS Authentication, enter your AWS access key ID and AWS secret key. Do this only if you want to authenticate based on AWS credentials.

      • (Optional) Specify the Vulnerability thresholds per severity. If the number you specify is exceeded during a scan the image build will fail. If the values are all 0 the build will succeed regardless of the number of vulnerabilities found.

    3. Select Save.

  5. View your Amazon Inspector vulnerability report.

    1. Complete a new build of your project.

    2. When the build completes select an output format from the results. When you select HTML you have the option to download a JSON SBOM or CSV version of the report. The following is an example of an HTML report:

    Sample of an Amazon Inspector vulnerability report.