Viewing CIS scan results - Amazon Inspector

Viewing CIS scan results

Amazon Inspector creates a scan job for every scan configuration that runs and collects results of a scan with a unique scan ID. CIS scan results are available for 90 days. You can view CIS scan results by its checks or scanned resources:

  • Scan results aggregated by checks – Groups the results of a scan by each individual check performed during the scan. For each check, you get a report of how many resources failed, skipped, or passed.

  • Scan results aggregated by scanned resources – Groups the results of a scan by each scanned resource the scan targets during the scan. For each resource, you get a report of how many checks that a resource failed, skipped, or passed.

This topic describes how to view results for a CIS scan.

To view scan results
  1. Sign in using your credentials, and then open the Amazon Inspector console at

  2. Use the AWS Region dropdown to select the AWS Region where you created your CIS scan configuration.

  3. From the navigation pane, choose On-demand scans, and then choose CIS scans.

  4. Choose the Scan results tab.

  5. Under the Scheduled by column, choose the scan schedule ID you want to view. Or select the row with the scan schedule ID you want to view, and then choose View details.

  6. Choose Checks to view each check that was performed performed or Scanned resources to view each scanned resource that was targeted during the scan.

You can also view details for scheduled CIS scans.

To view details for scheduled CIS scans
  1. Sign in using your credentials, and then open the Amazon Inspector console at

  2. Use the AWS Region dropdown to select the AWS Region where you created your CIS scan configuration.

  3. From the navigation pane, choose On-demand scans, and then choose CIS scans.

  4. Choose the Scheduled tab.

  5. Under the Scan configuration name column, choose the name of the scan configuration you want to view. Or select the row with the scan configuration you want to view, and then choose View details.