Create an AWS IoT FleetWise decoder manifest - AWS IoT FleetWise

Create an AWS IoT FleetWise decoder manifest


Access to certain AWS IoT FleetWise features is currently gated. For more information, see AWS Region and feature availability in AWS IoT FleetWise.

You can use the AWS IoT FleetWise console or API to create a decoder manifest for your vehicle model.

Create a decoder manifest (console)

You can use the AWS IoT FleetWise console to create a decoder manifest that's associated with your vehicle model.


You can't configure vision system data signals in decoder manifests using the AWS IoT FleetWise console. Instead, use the AWS CLI. Vision system data is in preview release and is subject to change.

To create a decoder manifest
  1. Open the AWS IoT FleetWise console.

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Vehicle models.

  3. Choose the target vehicle model.

  4. On the vehicle model summary page, choose Create decoder manifest, and then do the following.

Step 1: Configure decoder manifest

In General information, do the following.

  1. Enter a unique name for the decoder manifest.

  2. (Optional) Enter a description.

  3. Choose Next.

Add network interfaces

Each decoder manifest must have at least one network interface. You can add multiple network interfaces to a decoder manifest.

To add a network interface
  1. Upload a network interface file. You can upload a .dbc file for CAN protocols, or a .json file for ROS 2 or custom interfaces.

  2. Enter a name for your network interface. If you uploaded a custom interface, the name is already provided.

Map missing signals

If there are signals in the vehicle model that are missing paired signal decoders in the uploaded network interfaces, you can create a default custom decoder that will map the missing signals. This is optional since you can manually map the signals in the next step.

To create a default custom decoder
  1. Select Create default custom decoder for missing signals.

  2. Choose Next.

Step 2: Map CAN interface

You can map the CAN signals with CAN signal decoders. If you selected the Create default custom decoder for missing signals check box, any signals that are missing a decoder signal are automatically mapped to default custom signal decoders.

To map CAN signals
  1. In CAN signal mapping, select a signal decoder.

  2. Choose Next.


If you added a ROS 2 or a custom interface, you can verify the mappings before creating the decoder manifest.

Step 3: Review and create

Verify the configurations for the decoder manifest, and then choose Create.

Create a decoder manifest (AWS CLI)

You can use the CreateDecoderManifest API operation to create decoder manifests. The following example uses the AWS CLI.


You must have a vehicle model before you can create a decoder manifest. Every decoder manifest must be associated with a vehicle model. For more information, see Create an AWS IoT FleetWise vehicle model.

To create a decoder manifest, run the following command.

Replace decoder-manifest-configuration with the name of the .json file that contains the configuration.

aws iotfleetwise create-decoder-manifest --cli-input-json file://decoder-manifest-configuration.json
  • Replace decoder-manifest-name with the name of the decoder manifest that you're creating.

  • Replace vehicle-model-ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vehicle-model.

  • (Optional) Replace description with a description to help you identify the decoder manifest.

For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure AWS IoT FleetWise network interfaces and decoder signals.

{ "name": "decoder-manifest-name", "modelManifestArn": "vehicle-model-arn", "description": "description", "networkInterfaces": [ { "canInterface": { "name": "myNetworkInterface", "protocolName": "CAN", "protocolVersion": "2.0b" }, "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_INTERFACE" } ], "signalDecoders": [ { "canSignal": { "name": "Engine_Idle_Time", "factor": 1, "isBigEndian": true, "isSigned": false, "length": 24, "messageId": 271343712, "offset": 0, "startBit": 16 }, "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.EngineIdleTime", "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_SIGNAL" }, { "canSignal": { "name": "Engine_Run_Time", "factor": 1, "isBigEndian": true, "isSigned": false, "length": 24, "messageId": 271343712, "offset": 0, "startBit": 40 }, "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.EngineRunTime", "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_SIGNAL" } ] }
  • Replace decoder-manifest-name with the name of the decoder manifest that you're creating.

  • Replace vehicle-model-ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vehicle-model.

  • (Optional) Replace description with a description to help you identify the decoder manifest.

The order of property nodes within a structure (struct) must remain consistent as defined in the signal catalog and vehicle model (model manifest). For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure AWS IoT FleetWise network interfaces and decoder signals.

{ "name": "decoder-manifest-name", "modelManifestArn": "vehicle-model-arn", "description": "description", "networkInterfaces": [{ "canInterface": { "name": "myNetworkInterface", "protocolName": "CAN", "protocolVersion": "2.0b" }, "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_INTERFACE" }, { "type": "VEHICLE_MIDDLEWARE", "interfaceId": "G1KzxkdnmV5Hn7wkV3ZL9", "vehicleMiddleware": { "name": "ROS2_test", "protocolName": "ROS_2" } }], "signalDecoders": [{ "canSignal": { "name": "Engine_Idle_Time", "factor": 1, "isBigEndian": true, "isSigned": false, "length": 24, "messageId": 271343712, "offset": 0, "startBit": 16 }, "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.EngineIdleTime", "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_SIGNAL" }, { "canSignal": { "name": "Engine_Run_Time", "factor": 1, "isBigEndian": true, "isSigned": false, "length": 24, "messageId": 271343712, "offset": 0, "startBit": 40 }, "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.EngineRunTime", "interfaceId": "Qq1acaenByOB3sSM39SYm", "type": "CAN_SIGNAL" }, { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.CompressedImageTopic", "type": "MESSAGE_SIGNAL", "interfaceId": "G1KzxkdnmV5Hn7wkV3ZL9", "messageSignal": { "topicName": "CompressedImageTopic:sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage", "structuredMessage": { "structuredMessageDefinition": [{ "fieldName": "header", "dataType": { "structuredMessageDefinition": [{ "fieldName": "stamp", "dataType": { "structuredMessageDefinition": [{ "fieldName": "sec", "dataType": { "primitiveMessageDefinition": { "ros2PrimitiveMessageDefinition": { "primitiveType": "INT32" } } } }, { "fieldName": "nanosec", "dataType": { "primitiveMessageDefinition": { "ros2PrimitiveMessageDefinition": { "primitiveType": "UINT32" } } } } ] } }, { "fieldName": "frame_id", "dataType": { "primitiveMessageDefinition": { "ros2PrimitiveMessageDefinition": { "primitiveType": "STRING" } } } } ] } }, { "fieldName": "format", "dataType": { "primitiveMessageDefinition": { "ros2PrimitiveMessageDefinition": { "primitiveType": "STRING" } } } }, { "fieldName": "data", "dataType": { "structuredMessageListDefinition": { "name": "listType", "memberType": { "primitiveMessageDefinition": { "ros2PrimitiveMessageDefinition": { "primitiveType": "UINT8" } } }, "capacity": 0, "listType": "DYNAMIC_UNBOUNDED_CAPACITY" } } } ] } } } ] }
  • Replace decoder-manifest-name with the name of the decoder manifest that you're creating.

  • Replace vehicle-model-ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vehicle-model.

  • (Optional) Replace description with a description to help you identify the decoder manifest.

For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure AWS IoT FleetWise network interfaces and decoder signals.

{ "name": "decoder-manifest-name", "modelManifestArn": "vehicle-model-arn", "description": "description", "networkInterfaces": [ { "interfaceId": "myCustomInterfaceId", "type": "CUSTOM_DECODING_INTERFACE", "customDecodingInterface": { "name": "myCustomInterface" } } ], "signalDecoders": [ { "customDecodingSignal": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.actuator1", "interfaceId": "myCustomInterfaceId", "type": "CUSTOM_DECODING_SIGNAL", "customDecodingSignal": { "id": "Vehicle.actuator1" } } }, { "customDecodingSignal": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.actuator2", "interfaceId": "myCustomInterfaceId", "type": "CUSTOM_DECODING_SIGNAL", "customDecodingSignal": { "id": "Vehicle.actuator2" } } } ] }

You can download a demo script to create a decoder manifest with vision system signals. For more information, see the Vision System Data Developer Guide.

Vision system data is in preview release and is subject to change.