Configure signals - AWS IoT FleetWise

Configure signals

This section shows you how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators.

Configure branches

To configure a branch, specify the following information.

  • fullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the branch is the path to the branch plus the branch's name. Use a dot(.) to refer to a child branch. For example, Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel is the fully qualified name for the SteeringWheel branch. Vehicle.Chassis. is the path to this branch.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, colon (:), and underscore (_).

  • (Optional) Description – The description for the branch.

    The description can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) deprecationMessage – The deprecation message for the node or branch being moved or deleted.

    The deprecationMessage can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) comment – A comment in addition to the description. A comment can be used to provide additional information about the branch, such as the rationale for the branch or references to related branches.

    The comment can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

Configure attributes

To configure an attribute, specify the following information.

  • dataType – The attribute's data type must be one of the following: INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, INT8_ARRAY, UINT8_ARRAY, INT16_ARRAY, UINT16_ARRAY, INT32_ARRAY, UINT32_ARRAY, INT64_ARRAY, UINT64_ARRAY, BOOLEAN_ARRAY, FLOAT_ARRAY, DOUBLE_ARRAY, STRING_ARRAY, UNIX_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY, UNKNOWN, fullyQualifiedName, or a custom struct defined in the data type branch.

  • fullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the attribute is the path to the attribute plus the attribute's name. Use a dot(.) to refer to a child signal. For example, Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.Diameter is the fully qualified name for the Diameter attribute. Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel. is the path to this attribute.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), and _ (underscore).

  • (Optional) Description – The description for the attribute.

    The description can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) unit – The scientific unit for the attribute, such as km or Celsius.

  • (Optional) min – The minimum value of the attribute.

  • (Optional) max – The maximum value of the attribute.

  • (Optional) defaultValue – The default value of the attribute.

  • (Optional) assignedValue – The value assigned to the attribute.

  • (Optional) allowedValues – A list of values that the attribute accepts.

  • (Optional) deprecationMessage – The deprecation message for the node or branch that's being moved or deleted.

    The deprecationMessage can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) comment – A comment in addition to the description. A comment can be used to provide additional information about the attribute, such as the rationale for the attribute or references to related attributes.

    The comment can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

Configure sensors or actuators

To configure a sensor or actuator, specify the following information.

  • dataType – The signal's data type must be one of the following: INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, INT8_ARRAY, UINT8_ARRAY, INT16_ARRAY, UINT16_ARRAY, INT32_ARRAY, UINT32_ARRAY, INT64_ARRAY, UINT64_ARRAY, BOOLEAN_ARRAY, FLOAT_ARRAY, DOUBLE_ARRAY, STRING_ARRAY, UNIX_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY, UNKNOWN, fullyQualifiedName, or a custom struct defined in the data type branch.

  • fullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the signal is the path to the signal plus the signal's name. Use a dot(.) to refer to a child signal. For example, Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.HandsOff.HandsOffSteeringState is the fully qualified name for the HandsOffSteeringState actuator. Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.HandsOff. is the path to this actuator.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), and _ (underscore).

  • (Optional) Description – The description for the signal.

    The description can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) unit – The scientific unit for the signal, such as km or celsius.

  • (Optional) min – The minimum value of the signal.

  • (Optional) max – The maximum value of the signal.

  • (Optional) assignedValue – The value assigned to the signal.

  • (Optional) allowedValues – list of values that the signal accepts.

  • (Optional) deprecationMessage – The deprecation message for the node or branch that's being moved or deleted.

    The deprecationMessage can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) comment – A comment in addition to the description. A comment can be used to provide additional information about the sensor or actuator, such as their rationale or references to related sensors or actuators.

    The comment can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

Configure complex data types

Complex data types are used when modeling vision systems. In addition to branches, these data types are made up of structures (also known as a struct) and properties. A struct is a signal that is described by multiple values, like an image. A property represents a member of the struct, like a primitive data type (such as UINT8) or another struct (such as timestamp). For example, Vehicle.Cameras.Front represents a branch, Vehicle.Cameras.Front.Image represents a struct, and Vehicle.Cameras.Timestamp represents a property.

The following complex data type example demonstrates how signals and data types are exported to a single JSON file.

Example complex data type
{ "Vehicle": { "type": "branch" // Signal tree }, "ComplexDataTypes": { "VehicleDataTypes": { // complex data type tree "children": { "branch": { "children": { "Struct": { "children": { "Property": { "type": "property", "datatype": "Data type", "description": "Description", // ... } }, "description": "Description", "type": "struct" } } "description": "Description", "type": "branch" } } } } }

You can download a demo script to convert ROS 2 messages to VSS JSON files that are compatible with the signal catalog. For more information, see the Vision System Data Developer Guide.

Vision system data is in preview release and is subject to change.

To configure a custom structure (or struct), specify the following information.

  • fullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the custom structure. For example, the fully qualified name of a custom structure might be ComplexDataTypes.VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), and _ (underscore).

  • (Optional) Description – The description for the signal.

    The description can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) deprecationMessage – The deprecation message for the node or branch that's being moved or deleted.

    The deprecationMessage can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) comment – A comment in addition to the description. A comment can be used to provide additional information about the sensor or actuator, such as their rationale or references to related sensors or actuators.

    The comment can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

To configure a custom property, specify the following information.


  • fullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the custom property. For example, the fully qualified name of a custom property might be ComplexDataTypes.VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera.FPS.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), and _ (underscore)

  • (Optional) Description – The description for the signal.

    The description can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) deprecationMessage – The deprecation message for the node or branch that's being moved or deleted.

    The deprecationMessage can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) comment – A comment in addition to the description. A comment can be used to provide additional information about the sensor or actuator, such as their rationale or references to related sensors or actuators.

    The comment can have up to 2048 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).

  • (Optional) dataEncoding – Indicates whether the property is binary data. The custom property's data encoding must be one of the following: BINARY or TYPED.

  • (Optional) structFullyQualifiedName – The fully qualified name of the structure (struct) node for the custom property if the data type of the custom property is Struct or StructArray.

    The fully qualified name can have up to 150 characters. Valid characters: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, : (colon), and _ (underscore).