Delete a decoder manifest - AWS IoT FleetWise

Delete a decoder manifest

You can use the AWS IoT FleetWise console or API to delete a decoder manifest.


Vehicles associated with the decoder manifest must be deleted first. For more information, see Delete a vehicle.

Delete a decoder manifest (console)

You can use the AWS IoT FleetWise console to delete a decoder manifest.

To delete a decoder manifest
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT FleetWise console.

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Vehicle models.

  3. Choose the target vehicle model.

  4. On the vehicle model summary page, choose the Decoder manifests tab.

  5. Choose the target decoder manifest, and then choose Delete.

  6. In Delete decoder-manifest-name?, enter the name of the decoder manifest to delete, and then choose Confirm.

Delete a decoder manifest (AWS CLI)

You can use the DeleteDecoderManifest API operation to delete a decoder manifest. The following example uses AWS CLI.


Before you delete the decoder manifest, delete the associated vehicles first. For more information, see Delete a vehicle.

To delete a decoder manifest, run the following command.

Replace decoder-manifest-name with the name of the decoder manifest that you're deleting.

aws iotfleetwise delete-decoder-manifest --name decoder-manifest-name