Update a vehicle (AWS CLI) - AWS IoT FleetWise

Update a vehicle (AWS CLI)

You can use the UpdateVehicle API operation to update an existing vehicle. The following example uses the AWS CLI.

To update a vehicle, run the following command.

Replace file-name with the name of the JSON file that contains the configuration of your vehicle.

aws iotfleetwise update-vehicle --cli-input-json file://file-name.json
Example vehicle configuration
  • Replace vehicle-name with the ID of the vehicle that you want to update.

  • (Optional) Replace model-manifest-ARN with the ARN of the vehicle model (model manifest) that you use to replace the vehicle model in use.

  • (Optional) Replace decoder-manifest-ARN with the ARN of your decoder manifest associated with the new vehicle model that you specified.

  • (Optional) Replace attribute-update-mode with vehicle attributes.

    • Merge – Merge new attributes into existing attributes by updating existing attributes with new values and adding new attributes if they don't exist.

      For example, if a vehicle has the following attributes: {"color": "black", "fuelType": "electric"}, and you update the vehicle with the following attributes: {"color": "", "fuelType": "gasoline", "model": "x"}, the updated vehicle has the following attributes: {"fuelType": "gasoline", "model": "x"}.

    • Overwrite – Replace existing attributes with new attributes.

      For example, if a vehicle has the following attributes: {"color": "black", "fuelType": "electric"}, and you update the vehicle with the {"model": "x"} attribute, the updated vehicle has the {"model": "x"} attribute.

    This is required if attributes are present in the input.

  • (Optional) To add new attributes or update existing ones with new values, configure attributes. For example, if you have an electric car, you can specify the following value for an attribute: {"fuelType": "electric"}.

    To delete attributes, configure attributeUpdateMode to Merge.


    Attributes must be defined in the associated vehicle model before you can add them to individual vehicles.

{ "vehicleName": "vehicle-name", "modelManifestArn": "model-manifest-arn", "decoderManifestArn": "decoder-manifest-arn", "attributeUpdateMode": "attribute-update-mode" } }