Analyze the exported data with Amazon Athena - AWS IoT SiteWise

Analyze the exported data with Amazon Athena

After you have your asset property data in Amazon S3, you can use several AWS services to generate reports or analyze and query your data:

You can find other AWS services that can interact with your data in Amazon S3 listed under Analytics in the AWS Management Console.


The stack creates an AWS Glue database to format asset property data. You can't query this database for asset data. Follow the steps in this section to create an AWS Glue database that you can query.

In this tutorial, you learn how to configure the prerequisites to use Amazon Athena and how to use Athena to run SQL queries on your exported AWS IoT SiteWise asset data. To query data with Athena, you must first populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog with your asset data. The Data Catalog contains databases and tables, and Athena can access data in the Data Catalog. You can create an AWS Glue crawler that regularly updates the Data Catalog with your exported asset data.