To connect a partner data source to your SiteWise Edge gateway, add it as a data source. When you add it as a data source, AWS IoT SiteWise will deploy a private AWS IoT Greengrass component to your SiteWise Edge gateway.
To add a partner data source, you must do the following:
For EasyEdge and CloudRail, create an account with the partner, then bind the accounts.
Create a SiteWise Edge gateway with a
partner data source
If you want to create a new SiteWise Edge gateway, complete the steps in Create a self-hosted SiteWise Edge gateway. After you’ve created SiteWise Edge gateway follow the steps in Add a partner data source to an existing SiteWise Edge gateway to add a partner data source.
Add a partner data source to an
existing SiteWise Edge gateway
Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console
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In the left navigation, choose Edge gateways in the Edge section.
Choose the SiteWise Edge gateway you want to connect the partner data source to.
Under Data sources, choose Add data source.
On the Add data source screen, choose a Source type, to select the partner that connects your SiteWise Edge gateway. Each data source has its own configuration options. There are two categories of data sources: AWS sources and Partner sources.
Using a partner data source, you can select one source per gateway. For a list of data source partner integration options, see SiteWise Edge gateway partner data source options. Note that you can add up to 100 OPC UA data sources (AWS sources). To get started with OPC UA data sources, see OPC UA data sources for AWS IoT SiteWise Edge gateways.
Enter a name for the source.
Select your data source's tab below and follow the configuration procedure.
Much of the CloudRail configuration is done in the CloudRail portal after saving the data source for your SiteWise Edge gateway. However, authorizing the connection is required.
The CloudRail connection is only available on Linux.
Create a CloudRail account
to get started with connecting to AWS IoT SiteWise. Ensure that Docker is installed on your gateway. For more information, see Set up Docker on your SiteWise Edge gateway.
Read the Authorize access and deployment agreement, then choose Authorize. Checking the box grants the AWS partner access to your data source and allows AWS to deploy on the partner's component.
The Measurement Prefix – optional is set within your CloudRail portal.
Partner software is developed, maintained, and supported by the AWS partner. AWS is not responsible for the interface, configuration, or software.
For more information, see CloudRail.
Choose Save.