Create the AWS CloudFormation stack - AWS IoT SiteWise

Create the AWS CloudFormation stack

You must create a stack in AWS CloudFormation to export your asset data to Amazon S3.

To export data to Amazon S3
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation template and sign in to the AWS Management Console.

  2. On the Create stack page, use the default selections, and choose Next at the bottom of the page.

  3. On the Specify stack details page, enter a BucketName for the S3 bucket that this template creates in order to receive asset data. This bucket name must be globally unique. For more information, see Rules for bucket naming in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  4. (Optional) Change any of the template's other parameters:

    • GlobalResourcePrefix – A prefix for names of global resources, such as IAM roles, created from this template.

    • LocalResourcePrefix – A prefix for names of resources created from this template in the current Region.


    If you create this template multiple times, you should change the bucket name and resource prefix parameters in order to avoid resource name conflicts.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. On the Configure stack options page, use the default selections, and choose Next.

  7. At the bottom of the page, select the check box that says I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.

  8. Choose Submit.

    The stack takes a few minutes to create. If the stack fails to create, your account might have insufficient permissions, or you might have entered a bucket name that already exists. Use the following steps to delete the stack and try again:

    1. Choose Delete in the upper-right corner.

      The stack takes a few minutes to delete.


      AWS CloudFormation doesn't delete S3 buckets or CloudWatch log groups. You can delete these resources in the consoles for those services.

    2. If the stack fails to delete, choose Delete again.

    3. If the stack fails to delete again, follow the steps in the AWS CloudFormation console to skip the resources that failed to delete, and try again.

  9. After the AWS CloudFormation stack creates successfully, follow the next procedure to explore your asset property data in Amazon S3.


After you create the stack, you can see the new resources in your AWS account. The feature might stop working correctly if you delete or modify these resources. We recommend that you don't modify these resources unless you want to stop sending data to the bucket or want to customize this feature.