AWS IoT SiteWise endpoints and quotas - AWS IoT SiteWise

AWS IoT SiteWise endpoints and quotas

The following sections describe the endpoints and quotas for AWS IoT SiteWise.

AWS IoT SiteWise endpoints

The AWS General Reference Guide lists the AWS IoT SiteWise endpoints for an AWS account. For more information, see AWS IoT SiteWise endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference Guide.

AWS IoT SiteWise quotas

The following tables describe quotas in AWS IoT SiteWise. For more information about quotas and how to request quota increases, see AWS service quotas in the AWS General Reference. For more information about AWS IoT SiteWise quotas, see AWS IoT SiteWise service quotas in the AWS General Reference.

Quotas for assets and asset models
Resource Quota Adjustable Notes
Number of asset models per Region per AWS account 1000 Yes
Number of assets per asset model 10,000 Yes
Number of child assets per parent asset 2000 Yes
Depth of asset model hierarchy tree 30 Yes
Number of hierarchy definitions per asset model 30 Yes
Number of properties in the root level per asset model 500 Yes This maximum number of assetModelProperties for each asset model. This count does not include compositeModelProperties. This quota also applies to any unique asset created from this asset model.
Number of properties per asset model 5000 Yes The maximum number of properties of an asset model of type ASSET_MODEL or COMPONENT_MODEL. This number is determined by combining the properties of the root asset model and any included component-model-based or inline composite models. This quota also applies to any unique asset created from this asset model.
Number of properties per composite model 100 Yes The maximum number of properties allowed for composite models. Also, the maximum number of properties allowed for an asset model of type COMPONENT_MODEL.
Depth of property tree per asset model 10 No For example, a model with a transform property C that consumes a transform property B that consumes a measurement property A has a depth of 3.
Number of asset models per hierarchy tree 100 Yes
Number of directly dependent properties per asset model 20 No This quota limits how many properties can directly depend on a single property, as defined in property formula expressions. The Number of dependent properties for an asset model must be greater than the Number of directly dependent properties per asset model. You must request a quota increase for both if the limit for the Number of directly dependent properties per asset model is greater than the limit for the Number of dependent properties per asset model.
Number of dependent properties per asset model 30 No This quota limits how many properties can directly or indirectly depend on a single property, as defined in property formula expressions.
Number of composite models per asset model 50 Yes The maximum number of composite models allowed on a single asset model.
Composite model depth 2 Yes The maximum depth of the composite model tree per asset model, including inline and component-model-based composite models.
Number of unique asset models that use the same component model 20 Yes The maximum number of unique asset models that have at least one component-model-based composite model that directly references a specific asset model of type COMPONENT_MODEL.
Number of property variables per property formula expression 10 No For example, there are two property variables, power and temp, in the expression avg(power) + max(temp). This also applies for transform computation results.
Number of functions per property formula expression 10 No For example, there are two functions, avg and max, in the expression avg(power) + max(temp).
Quotas for asset property data
Resource Quota Adjustable Notes
Request rate for asset property data API operations 1000 requests per second per Region per AWS account Yes This quota applies to API operations such as GetAssetPropertyValue and BatchPutAssetPropertyValue.
Number of data points per second per data quality per asset property 10 data points No This quota applies to the maximum number of timestamp-quality-value (TQV) data points with the same timestamp in seconds per data quality for each asset property. You can store up to this number of good-quality, uncertain-quality, and bad-quality data points for any given second for each asset property.
Number of BatchPutAssetPropertyValue entries ingested per second per asset property per Region per AWS Account. 10 entries per asset property No This quota applies to BatchPutAssetPropertyValue entries from all sources, including SiteWise Edge gateways, AWS IoT Core rules, and API calls.
Rate of data points ingested 5000 data points per second per Region per AWS account Yes Timestamp-quality-value (TQV) data points.
Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates 200 Yes The maximum number of BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region.
Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValue 500 Yes The maximum number of BatchGetAssetPropertyValue requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region.
Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory 200 Yes The maximum number of BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region.
Number of BatchPutAssetPropertyValue entries ingested per second per asset property per Region per AWS Account. 10 entries per asset property No This quota applies to BatchPutAssetPropertyValue entries from all sources, including SiteWise Edge gateways, AWS IoT Core rules, and API calls.
Rate of GetAssetPropertyAggregates requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates entry queries per asset property 50 No The maximum number of total GetAssetPropertyAggregates requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates entries for each asset property per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetAssetPropertyValue requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyValue entry queries per asset property 500 No The maximum number of total GetAssetPropertyValue requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyValue entries for each asset property per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetAssetPropertyValueHistory requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory entry queries per asset property 30 No The maximum number of total GetAssetPropertyValueHistory requests and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory entries for each asset property per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues requests 500 Yes The maximum number of GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region.
Number of results per GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues request 10 Yes The maximum number of results to return per paginated GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues request.
Rate of datapoints retrieved from GetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory 100MB read response per second per Region per AWS account. Yes

The maximum byte rate (MB/second) of datapoints retrieved per second per Region per AWS account across GetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory. The response payload evaluated for this quota uses Timestamp-Quality-Value (TQV) fields for each datapoint and rounds the byte size for each API request to the next 4KB increment.

Timestamp-quality-value (TQV) datapoints retrieved per second varies as per data type:

  • Integer – up to 5 Million TQV per second

  • Double – up to 4 Million TQV per second

  • Boolean – up to 6 Million TQV per second

  • String – varies based on each string value size.

Quotas for SiteWise Edge gateways
Resource Quota Adjustable
Number of SiteWise Edge gateways per Region per AWS account 100 Yes
Number of OPC UA sources per SiteWise Edge gateway 100 No
Quotas for AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor
Resource Quota Adjustable
Number of portals per Region per AWS account 100 Yes
Number of projects per portal 100 Yes
Number of dashboards per project 100 Yes
Number of root assets per project 1 No
Number of visualizations per dashboard 10 Yes
Number of metrics per dashboard visualization 5 Yes
Number of thresholds per dashboard visualization 12 No
Quotas for AWS IoT SiteWise bulk import and export of metadata
Resource Description Quota Adjustable
Number of metadata transfer jobs in queue

The maximum number of PENDING metadata transfer jobs in the queue.

10 Yes
Size of the metadata transfer job import file

The maximum size of the imported file (in MB).

100 MB Yes
Number of AWS IoT SiteWise import resources in a job

The maximum number of AWS IoT SiteWise import resources in a single job. A resource includes assets, and asset models.

5000 Yes
Number of AWS IoT SiteWise export resources in a job

The maximum number of AWS IoT SiteWise export resources in a single job. A resource includes assets, and asset models.

5000 Yes
Quotas for AWS IoT SiteWise bulk import of data
Resource Quota Adjustable
Number of running bulk import jobs 100 No
Size of the CSV file 10 GB No
Size of the uncompressed parquet file 256 MB No
Size of the CSV file for buffered ingestion 256 MB No
Size of the uncompressed parquet row group 64 MB No
Number of unique measurements per parquet row group 2000 Yes
Number of days between the timestamp in the past and today for buffered ingestion 30 Yes
Request rate for CreateBulkImportJobs for each Region in each AWS account 10 Yes
Request rate for ListBulkImportJobs for each Region in each AWS account 50 Yes
Request rate for DescribeBulkImportJobs for each Region in each AWS account 50 Yes

Quotas for anomaly detection

The quotas for anomaly detection are shared between AWS IoT SiteWise and Amazon Lookout for Equipment. For more information, see Quotas for using Lookout for Equipment.