Monitor SiteWise Edge gateway logs - AWS IoT SiteWise

Monitor SiteWise Edge gateway logs

You can configure your AWS IoT SiteWise Edge gateway to log information to Amazon CloudWatch Logs or the local file system.

Use event logs

SiteWise Edge gateway devices include events log files to help debug issues. The following sections will help you find and utilize the events log files for the AWS IoT SiteWise OPC UA Collector and AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher components.

AWS IoT SiteWise OPC UA Collector event logs

The AWS IoT SiteWise OPC UA Collector component includes an events log to help customers identify and fix problems. The log file is separate from the local log file, and is found in the following location. Replace /greengrass/v2 or C:\greengrass\v2 with the path to the AWS IoT Greengrass root folder.


This log includes detailed information and troubleshooting instructions. Troubleshooting information is provided alongside the diagnostics, with a description of how to remedy the issue, and sometimes with links to further information. Diagnostic information includes the following:

  • Severity level

  • Timestamp

  • Additional event-specific information

Example log
dataSourceConnectionSuccess: Summary: Successfully connected to OpcUa server Level: INFO Timestamp: '2023-06-15T21:04:16.303Z' Description: Successfully connected to the data source. AssociatedMetrics: - Name: FetchedDataStreams Description: The number of fetched data streams for this data source Value: 1.0 Namespace: IoTSiteWise Dimensions: - Name: SourceName Value: SourceName{value=OPC-UA Server} - Name: ThingName Value: test-core AssociatedData: - Name: DataSourceTrace Description: Name of the data source Data: - OPC-UA Server - Name: EndpointUri Description: The endpoint to which the connection was attempted. Data: - '"opc.tcp://"'

AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher event logs

The AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher component includes an events log to help customers identify and fix problems. The log file is separate from the local log file, and is found in the following location. Replace /greengrass/v2 or C:\greengrass\v2 with the path to the AWS IoT Greengrass root folder.


This log includes detailed information and troubleshooting instructions. Troubleshooting information is provided alongside the diagnostics, with a description of how to remedy the issue, and sometimes with links to further information. Diagnostic information includes the following:

  • Severity level

  • Timestamp

  • Additional event-specific information

Example log
accountBeingThrottled: Summary: Data upload speed slowed due to quota limits Level: WARN Timestamp: '2023-06-09T21:30:24.654Z' Description: The IoT SiteWise Publisher is limited to the "Rate of data points ingested" quota for a customers account. See the associated documentation and associated metric for the number of requests that were limited for more information. Note that this may be temporary and not require any change, although if the issue continues you may need to request an increase for the mentioned quota. FurtherInformation: - - AssociatedMetrics: - Name: TotalErrorCount Description: The total number of errors of this type that occurred. Value: 327724.0 AssociatedData: - Name: AggregatePropertyAliases Description: The aggregated property aliases of the throttled data. FileLocation: /greengrass/v2/work/aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher/./logs/data/AggregatePropertyAliases_1686346224654.log