Using the IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace - AWS IoT TwinMaker

Using the IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace

When you opt in to the AWS IoT SiteWiseAWS IoT TwinMaker integration, a default workspace named IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace is created and automatically synced with AWS IoT SiteWise.

You can also use the AWS IoT TwinMaker CreateWorkspace API to create a workspace named IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace.


Before creating IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace, make sure you have done the following:

  • Create an AWS IoT TwinMaker service-linked role. See Using service-linked roles for AWS IoT TwinMaker for more information.

  • Open the IAM console at

    Review the role or user and verify that it has permission to iotsitewise:EnableSiteWiseIntegration.

    If needed, add permission to the role or user:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iotsitewise:EnableSiteWiseIntegration", "Resource": "*" } ] }