You can add your gateway to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN by using the console or the CLI.
Before adding your gateway, we recommend that you consider the factors mentioned in the Before onboarding your gateway section of Onboard your gateways to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.
If you're adding your gateway for the first time, we recommend that you use the console. If you want to add your gateway by using the CLI instead, you must have already created the necessary IAM role so that the gateway can connect with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. For information about how to create the role, see Add an IAM role to allow the Configuration and Update Server (CUPS) to manage gateway credentials.
Add a gateway using the
Navigate to the AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
Provide gateway details and frequency band information
Use the Gateway details section to provide information about the device configuration data such as the Gateway's EUI and the frequency band configuration.
Gateway's EUI
The EUI (Extended Unique Identifier) of the individual gateway device. The EUI is a 16-digit alphanumeric code, such as
, that uniquely identifies a gateway in your LoRaWAN network. This information is specific to your gateway model and you can find it on your gateway device or in its user manual.Note
The Gateway's EUI is different from the Wi-Fi MAC address that you may see printed on your gateway device. The EUI follows a EUI-64 standard that uniquely identifies your gateway and therefore cannot be resued in other AWS accounts and regions.
Frequency band (RFRegion)
The gateway's frequency band. You can choose from
, orAS923-1
, depending on what your gateway supports and which country or region the gateway is physically connecting from. For more information about the bands, see Consider selection of LoRa frequency bands for your gateways and device connection.
Specify your wireless gateway configuration data (optional)
These fields are optional and you can use them to provide additional information about the gateway and it's configuration.
Name, Description, and Tags for your gateway
The information in these optional fields comes from how you organize and describe the elements in your wireless system. You can assign a Name to the gateway, use the Description field to provide information about the gateway, and use Tags to add key-value pairs of metadata about the gateway. For more information on naming and describing your resources, see Describing your AWS IoT Wireless resources.
LoRaWAN configuration using subbands and filters
Optionally, you can also specify LoRaWAN configuration data such as the subbands that you want to use and filters that can control the flow of traffic. For this tutorial, you can skip these fields. For more information, see Configure subbands and filtering capabilities of your LoRaWAN gateways.
Associate an AWS IoT thing with the gateway
Specify whether to create an AWS IoT thing and associate it with the gateway. Things in AWS IoT can make it easier to search and manage your devices. Associating a thing with your gateway lets the gateway access other AWS IoT Core features.
Create and download the gateway certificate
To authenticate your gateway so that it can securely communicate with AWS IoT, your LoRaWAN gateway must present a private key and certificate to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. Create a Gateway certificate so that AWS IoT can verify your gateway's identity by using the X.509 Standard.
Click the Create certificate button and download the certificate files. You'll use them later to configure your gateway.
Copy the CUPS and LNS endpoints and download certificates
Your LoRaWAN gateway must connect to a CUPS or LNS endpoint when establishing a connection to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. We recommend that you use the CUPS endpoint as it also provides configuration management. To verify the authenticity of AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN endpoints, your gateway will use a trust certificate for each of the CUPS and LNS endpoints,
Click the Copy button to copy the CUPS and LNS endpoints. You'll need this information later to configure your gateway. Then click the Download server trust certificates button to download the trust certificates for the CUPS and LNS endpoints.
Create the IAM role for the gateway permissions
You need to add an IAM role that allows the Configuration and Update Server (CUPS) to manage gateway credentials.
In this step, you create the IoTWirelessGatewayCertManager role. If you have already created this role, you can skip this step. You must do this before a LoRaWAN gateway tries to connect with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN; however, you need to do it only once.
To create the IoTWirelessGatewayCertManager IAM role for your account, click the Create role button. If the role already exists, select it from the dropdown list.
Click Submit to complete the gateway creation.
Add a gateway by using the
If you're adding a gateway for the first time by using the API or CLI, you must add the IoTWirelessGatewayCertManager IAM role so that the gateway can connect with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. For information about how to create the role, see the following section Add an IAM role to allow the Configuration and Update Server (CUPS) to manage gateway credentials.
The following sections show how to add a gateway using the AWS IoT Wireless API operations or the AWS CLI. You first add your gateway and then associate a certificate with the gateway. You can also use the additional API operations, such as to update an existing gateway.
How to add your gateway
You can use the AWS CLI to create a wireless gateway by using the CreateWirelessGateway API operation or the create-wireless-gateway CLI command to add your wireless gateway.
If your gateway is communicating with class B LoRaWAN devices, you can
also specify certain beaconing parameters when adding the gateway using
the CreateWirelessGateway
API or the
CLI command. For more
information, see Configure beaconing for your
LoRaWAN gateways.
The following example creates a wireless LoRaWAN device gateway. You can
also provide an input.json
file that will contain additional
details such as the gateway certificate and provisioning credentials.
You can also perform this procedure with the API by using the methods in the AWS API that correspond to the CLI commands shown here.
aws iotwireless create-wireless-gateway \
--lorawan GatewayEui="a1b2c3d4567890ab",RfRegion="US915" \
--name "myFirstLoRaWANGateway" \
--description "Using my first LoRaWAN gateway"
--cli-input-json file://input.json
Associate a certificate with your gateway
After you add your gateway to AWS IoT Wireless, it must be associated with a certificate to connect to the CUPS endpoint. To connect to the endpoint, your gateway running LoRa Basics Station requires the following files:
- The gateway's CUPS certificate that it uses to connect to the CUPS endpoint. -
- Private key corresponding to the certificate. -
- The trust certificate of the CUPS endpoint. -
- The CUPS endpoint URI.
The following steps show you how to generate a certificate and associate it with your gateway.
Step 1: Generating a gateway certificate
To generate a certificate for your gateway, use the AWS IoT API Reference
API action, CreateKeysAndCertificate
, or the AWS CLI
command, create-keys-and-certificate CLI command.
The following command shows an example of generating the certificate,
, and the private key,
aws iot create-keys-and-certificate \
--set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile "cups.crt" \
--private-key-outfile "cups.key"
Running this command generates the certificate and private key, and a certificate ID. The following example shows an output of running this command.
{ "certificateArn": "arn:aws:iot:
", "certificateId": "abc1234d55ef32101a34434bb123cba2a011b2cdefa6bb5cee1a221b4567ab12
", "certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n..\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n, "KeyPair": { "PublicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY -----\n..\n----END PUBLIC KEY----\n", "PrivateKey": "----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----\n..\nEND RSA PRIVATE KEY----\n" } }
Store the certificate ID temporarily, as it will be used in the subsequent step to associate your certificate with the gateway.
You must securely store the private key, cups.key
. If
you misplace the private key, rerun the
command to generate
another certificate.
Step 2: Obtaining server trust certificate and CUPS endpoint
Now that you've generated the certificate and private key, use the
GetServiceEndpoint API action or the get-service-endpoint
CLI command to obtain
the server trust certificate,
and the endpoint
URI, cups.uri
The following command shows an example of obtaining the server trust
certificate and the endpoint URI. When running the command, set the
parameter to CUPS
aws iotwireless get-service-endpoint --service-type CUPS
The following shows an output of running the command.
"ServiceType": "CUPS",
"ServiceEndpoint": "https://ABCDEFGHIJKLMN",
"ServerTrust": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n..\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
The ServiceEndpoint
obtained from the response
corresponds to the CUPS endpoint, cups.uri
Store the ServerTrust
certificate in a
file with the \n
replaced by new
Step 3: Associate the certificate with your gateway
You must associate the gateway's certificate that you generated with the gateway that you added. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN will use this information to identify the certificate that the gateway will use to connect to the CUPS endpoint.
To associate the certificate with your gateway, use the AssociateWirelessGatewaywithCertificate API action or the
CLI command.
The following command shows an example of associating a certificate with your gateway.
aws iotwireless associate-wireless-gateway-with-certificate \ --id
\ --iot-certificate-id<CertificateId>
Running this command returns the IotCertificateId
, which
is the ID of the certificate that you associated with the gateway. The
following shows an output of running the command, where the
is the ID of the certificate, such as
"IotCertificateId": "<CertificateId>
Additional API operations
You can use the following API actions to perform the tasks associated with adding, updating, or deleting a LoRaWAN gateway.
AWS IoT Wireless API actions for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN gateways
For the complete list of the actions and data types available to create and manage AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN resources, see the AWS IoT Wireless API reference.
For information about the CLIs that you can use, see AWS CLI reference.