Schedule and run gateway firmware update task - AWS IoT Wireless

Schedule and run gateway firmware update task

If you have the firmware update file and signature, you can schedule and run the task definition to update the gateway firmware, as described in this page. If you don't have the firmware update files, see (Optional) Generate the firmware update file and signature for an example that you can use to adapt to your application.

The following steps show you how to create a wireless gateway task definition to update the gateway firmware.

What's a wireless gateway task definition?

To update the gateway firmware, you create a task definition. You can use the task definition to include details about the firmware update and define the update. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN provides a firmware update based on information from the following three fields associated with the gateway.

  • LoRa Basics Station

    The version and build time of the Basics Station software. To identify this information, you can also generate it by using the Basics Station software that is being run by your gateway (for example, 2.0.5(rpi/std) 2021-03-09 03:45:09).

  • Package version

    The firmware version, specified by the file version.txt in the gateway. While this information might not be present in the gateway, you must specify this field as it provides a way to define your firmware version (for example, 1.0.0).

  • Gateway platform model

    The platform or model that is being used by the gateway (for example, Linux).

Get the current firmware version running on your gateway

To determine your gateway's eligibility for a firmware update, the CUPS server checks all three fields, LoRa Basics Station, Package version, and Gateway platform model, for a match when the gateway presents them during a CUPS request. These fields are stored as part of the current version of a wireless gateway task definition.

You can determine the current firmware version running on the gateway from the console or the CLI.

When you use the AWS Management Console, you can obtain the firmware version from the details page of the gateway for which you're retrieving this information.

  1. Go to the Gateways hub page of the AWS IoT console and choose the gateway for which you're retrieving this information.

  2. Go to the Firmware tab in the details page of the gateway to see the current firmware version and the status information that indicates whether a firmware update is pending.

When you use the AWS IoT Wireless API or the AWS CLI, you can obtain this information using the CurrentVersion field that's stored as part of the task definition. The following steps use the CLI to demonstrate how you can get this information.

  1. Obtain wireless gateway ID

    First, obtain the unique identifier of the gateway for which you want to retrieve the current firmware version. If you've already provisioned a gateway, you can get information about the gateway using the GetWirelessGateway API operation or the get-wireless-gateway CLI command.

    aws iotwireless get-wireless-gateway \ --identifier 5a11b0a85a11b0a8 \ --identifier-type GatewayEui

    Following shows a sample output for the command.

    { "Name": "Raspberry pi", "Id": "1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57", "Description": "Raspberry pi", "LoRaWAN": { "GatewayEui": "5a11b0a85a11b0a8", "RfRegion": "US915" }, "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:231894231068:WirelessGateway/1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57" }
  2. Get gateway firmware version

    Using the wireless gateway ID reported by the get-wireless-gateway command, you can use the get-wireless-gateway-firmware-information command to get the CurrentVersion.

    aws iotwireless get-wireless-gateway-firmware-information \ --id "3039b406-5cc9-4307-925b-9948c63da25b"

    Following shows a sample output for the command, with information from all three fields displayed by the CurrentVersion.

    { "LoRaWAN": { "CurrentVersion": { "PackageVersion": "1.0.0", "Model": "rpi", "Station": "2.0.5(rpi/std) 2021-03-09 03:45:09" } } }

Schedule gateway firmware update using a task definition

Now that you've verified the eligibility of the firmware update, you can schedule a firmware update task using a wireless gateway task definition and then run the update.

To update the gateway firmware, you'll need a wireless gateway task definition. You can use the AWS IoT console or the AWS CLI to update the gateway firmware.

To schedule a firmware update task from the console:

  1. Go to the Gateways hub page of the AWS IoT console and choose the gateway for which you're updating the firmware.

  2. Go to the Firmware tab in the details page of the gateway and choose Update firmware.

  3. Create a wireless gateway task, or choose an existing task definition if you have already created one.

    If you have already created a task definition, choose Use an existing task. Information about the task definition will appear here, such as the Package version, the location for the firmware file in Amazon S3, and the status of the update. You can review the information and then choose Update firmware.

Create a gateway task definition

If you're creating a new task definition, you'll need to perform the steps described below to specify the location to your firmware file in Amazon S3, and the IAM role that grants AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN permission to access the file and perform the update.

In the Update firmware page of the console, choose Create a new task, and then perform the following steps.

  1. Specify firmware file and location in Amazon S3

    You can use an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket to store the firmware update files. Specify the location to your firmware file in Amazon S3, and provide the IAM role that grants AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN permission to access the file and perform the update.

    • If you have already uploaded the file to Amazon S3, choose Select an existing firmware file. You can then Browse S3 and provide the S3 URI to the file.

    • If you haven't already uploaded the file to Amazon S3, choose Upload a new firmware file. You can then upload the firmware file and Browse S3 to choose the Amazon S3 bucket where the file will be uploaded.

  2. (Optional) Provide additional firmware verification settings

    Optionally, if your firmware update was signed, you can use the additional settings to specify the update signature and CRC. These settings can be used to verify the authenticity and integrity of the signed update. It also ensures that the code was not corrupted or altered, and the devices run code that's published only by trusted authors. The update signature and CRC will be passed to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN when updating the firmware using CUPS.

  3. (Optional) Provide additional setting to automatically create update tasks

    Optionally, we recommend that you choose to specify automatic creation of tasks for all gateways by using the Auto create tasks and update all like gateways parameter. This parameter applies to any gateway that has a match for all three parameters mentioned previously in What's a wireless gateway task definition?. If this parameter is disabled, the parameters have to be manually assigned to the gateway.

  4. Permissions to access the bucket

    You can either create a new service role or choose an existing role to allow AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to access the firmware update file in the Amazon S3 bucket on your behalf.

    To create a new role, you can enter a role name or leave it blank for a random name to be generated automatically. To view the policy permissions that grant access to the Amazon S3 bucket, choose View policy permissions.

You can create the wireless gateway task definition by using the AWS IoT Wireless API or the AWS CLI. The following steps show how to create the task definition using the CLI.


When you create the task definition, we recommend that you specify automatic creation of tasks by using the AutoCreateTasks parameter. This parameter applies to any gateway that has a match for all three parameters mentioned previously in What's a wireless gateway task definition?. If this parameter is disabled, the parameters have to be manually assigned to the gateway.


Before you use the AWS CLI to update the firmware, you must have uploaded the firmware file to an Amazon S3 bucket, and created an IAM role that grants AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN permission to access the file in the Amazon S3 bucket for performing the update. If you've already uploaded the firmware file and the IAM role, proceed to Run firmware update task to run the firmware update task.

If you haven't already uploaded the firmware file and specified the IAM role, perform the steps described in Upload the firmware file to an Amazon S3 bucket and add an IAM role8 and then run the firmware update task.

Run firmware update task

To run the firmware update task, perform the following steps.

  1. Specify the input parameters for the update task

    Create a file, input.json, that'll contain the information to pass to the CreateWirelessGatewayTaskDefinition API. In the input.json file, provide the following information that you obtained earlier:

    • UpdateDataSource

      Provide the link to your object containing the firmware update file that you uploaded to the S3 bucket. (for example, s3://iotwirelessfwupdate/fwstation.

    • UpdateDataRole

      Provide the link to the Role ARN for the IAM role that you created, which provides permissions to read the S3 bucket. (for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTWirelessFwUpdateRole.

    • SigKeyCRC and UpdateSignature

      This information might be provided by your gateway manufacturer, but if you followed the procedure described in (Optional) Generate the firmware update file and signature, you'll find this information when generating the signature.

    • CurrentVersion

      Provide the CurrentVersion output that you obtained previously by running the get-wireless-gateway-firmware-information command.

      cat input.json

      Following shows the contents of the input.json file.

      { "AutoCreateTasks": true, "Name": "FirmwareUpdate", "Update": { "UpdateDataSource" : "s3://iotwirelessfwupdate/fwstation", "UpdateDataRole" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTWirelessFwUpdateRole", "LoRaWAN" : { "SigKeyCrc": 3434210794, "UpdateSignature": "MEQCIDPY/p2ssgXIPNCOgZr+NzeTLpX+WfBo5tYWbh5pQWN3AiBROen+XlIdMScvAsfVfU/ZScJCalkVNZh4esyS8mNIgA==", "CurrentVersion" : { "PackageVersion": "1.0.0", "Model": "rpi", "Station": "2.0.5(rpi/std) 2021-03-09 03:45:09" } } } }
  2. Create the gateway task definition

    Pass the input.json file to the create-wireless-gateway-task-definition command to create the task definition.

    aws iotwireless create-wireless-gateway-task-definition \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

    Following shows the output of the command.

    { "Id": "4ac46ff4-efc5-44fd-9def-e8517077bb12", "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:231894231068:WirelessGatewayTaskDefinition/4ac46ff4-efc5-44fd-9def-e8517077bb12" }

Run the firmware update task and track progress

The gateway is ready to receive the firmware update and, once powered on, it connects to the CUPS server. When the CUPS server finds a match in the version of the gateway, it schedules a firmware update.

A task is a task definition in process. The firmware update task starts as soon as a matching gateway for the update is found by the CUPS server. You can track the progress of the update task on the gateway from the console or the CLI.

When you use the AWS Management Console, you can track the progress of the firmware update from the details page of the gateway for which you're retrieving this information. Go to the Gateways hub page, choose the gateway for which you're tracking the update, and then go to the Firmware tab to see the update status.

If the firmware update fails the first time, you'll see a status of Retrying, and the gateway sends the same request. If the CUPS server is unable to connect to the gateway after a second retry, it will show a status of FAILED.

You can track the progress of the task by using the GetWirelessGatewayTask API. When you run the get-wireless-gateway-task command the first time, it will show the task status as IN_PROGRESS.

aws iotwireless get-wireless-gateway-task \ --id 1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57

Following shows the output of the command.

{ "WirelessGatewayId": "1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57", "WirelessGatewayTaskDefinitionId": "ec11f9e7-b037-4fcc-aa60-a43b839f5de3", "LastUplinkReceivedAt": "2021-03-12T09:56:12.047Z", "TaskCreatedAt": "2021-03-12T09:56:12.047Z", "Status": "IN_PROGRESS" }

When you run the command the next time, if the firmware update takes effect, it will show the updated fields, Package, Version, and Model and the task status changes to COMPLETED.

aws iotwireless get-wireless-gateway-task \ --id 1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57

Following shows the output of the command.

{ "WirelessGatewayId": "1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57", "WirelessGatewayTaskDefinitionId": "ec11f9e7-b037-4fcc-aa60-a43b839f5de3", "LastUplinkReceivedAt": "2021-03-12T09:56:12.047Z", "TaskCreatedAt": "2021-03-12T09:56:12.047Z", "Status": "COMPLETED" }

In this example, we showed you the firmware update using the Raspberry Pi based RAKWireless gateway. The firmware update script stops the running BasicStation to store the updated Package, Version, and Model fields so BasicStation will have to be restarted.

2021-03-12 09:56:13.108 [CUP:INFO] CUPS provided update.bin 2021-03-12 09:56:13.108 [CUP:INFO] CUPS provided signature len=70 keycrc=37316C36 2021-03-12 09:56:13.148 [CUP:INFO] ECDSA key#0 -> VERIFIED 2021-03-12 09:56:13.148 [CUP:INFO] Running update.bin as background process 2021-03-12 09:56:13.149 [SYS:VERB] /tmp/update.bin: Forked, waiting... 2021-03-12 09:56:13.151 [SYS:INFO] Process /tmp/update.bin (pid=6873) completed 2021-03-12 09:56:13.152 [CUP:INFO] Interaction with CUPS done - next regular check in 10s

If the firmware update fails, you see a status of FIRST_RETRY from the CUPS server, and the gateway sends the same request. If the CUPS server is unable to connect to the gateway after a SECOND_RETRY, it will show a status of FAILED.

After the previous task was COMPLETED or FAILED, delete the old task by using the delete-wireless-gateway-task command before starting a new one.

aws iotwireless delete-wireless-gateway-task \ --id 1352172b-0602-4b40-896f-54da9ed16b57