Defining your Lambda function - AWS IoT Core

Defining your Lambda function

When AWS IoT Core invokes your authorizer, it triggers the associated Lambda associated with the authorizer with an event that contains the following JSON object. The example JSON object contains all of the possible fields. Any fields that aren't relevant to the connection request aren't included.

{     "token" :"aToken",     "signatureVerified": Boolean, // Indicates whether the device gateway has validated the signature.     "protocols": ["tls", "http", "mqtt"], // Indicates which protocols to expect for the request.     "protocolData": {         "tls" : {             "serverName": "serverName" // The server name indication (SNI) host_name string.         },         "http": {             "headers": {                 "#{name}": "#{value}"             },             "queryString": "?#{name}=#{value}"         },         "mqtt": {             "username": "myUserName",             "password": "myPassword", // A base64-encoded string.             "clientId": "myClientId" // Included in the event only when the device sends the value.         }     },     "connectionMetadata": {         "id": UUID // The connection ID. You can use this for logging.     }, }

The Lambda function should use this information to authenticate the incoming connection and decide what actions are permitted in the connection. The function should send a response that contains the following values.

  • isAuthenticated: A Boolean value that indicates whether the request is authenticated.

  • principalId: An alphanumeric string that acts as an identifier for the token sent by the custom authorization request. The value must be an alphanumeric string with at least one, and no more than 128, characters and match this regular expression (regex) pattern: ([a-zA-Z0-9]){1,128}. Special characters that are not alphanumeric are not allowed for use with the principalId in AWS IoT Core. Refer to the documentation for other AWS services if non-alphanumeric special characters are allowed for the principalId.

  • policyDocuments: A list of JSON-formatted AWS IoT Core policy documents For more information about creating AWS IoT Core policies, see AWS IoT Core policies. The maximum number of policy documents is 10 policy documents. Each policy document can contain a maximum of 2,048 characters.

  • disconnectAfterInSeconds: An integer that specifies the maximum duration (in seconds) of the connection to the AWS IoT Core gateway. The minimum value is 300 seconds, and the maximum value is 86,400 seconds. The default value is 86,400.


    The value of disconnectAfterInSeconds (returned by the Lambda function) is set when the connection establishes. This value cannot be modified during subsequent policy refresh Lambda invocations.

  • refreshAfterInSeconds: An integer that specifies the interval between policy refreshes. When this interval passes, AWS IoT Core invokes the Lambda function to allow for policy refreshes. The minimum value is 300 seconds, and the maximum value is 86,400 seconds.

 The following JSON object contains an example of a response that your Lambda function can send.

{ "isAuthenticated":true, //A Boolean that determines whether client can connect. "principalId": "xxxxxxxx",  //A string that identifies the connection in logs. "disconnectAfterInSeconds": 86400,  "refreshAfterInSeconds": 300,   "policyDocuments": [       {         "Version": "2012-10-17",         "Statement": [            {               "Action": "iot:Publish",               "Effect": "Allow",               "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:<your_aws_account_id>:topic/customauthtesting"             }          ]        }     ] }

The policyDocument value must contain a valid AWS IoT Core policy document. For more information about AWS IoT Core policies, see AWS IoT Core policies.  In MQTT over TLS and MQTT over WebSockets connections, AWS IoT Core caches this policy for the interval specified in the value of the refreshAfterInSeconds field. In the case of HTTP connections the Lambda function is called for every authorization request unless your device is using HTTP persistent connections (also called HTTP keep-alive or HTTP connection reuse) you can choose to enable caching when configuring the authorizer. During this interval, AWS IoT Core authorizes actions in an established connection against this cached policy without triggering your Lambda function again. If failures occur during custom authentication, AWS IoT Core terminates the connection. AWS IoT Core also terminates the connection if it has been open for longer than the value specified in the disconnectAfterInSecondsparameter.

The following JavaScript contains a sample Node.js Lambda function that looks for a password in the MQTT Connect message with a value of test and returns a policy that grants permission to connect to AWS IoT Core with a client named myClientName and publish to a topic that contains the same client name. If it doesn't find the expected password, it returns a policy that denies those two actions.

// A simple Lambda function for an authorizer. It demonstrates // how to parse an MQTT password and generate a response. exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {     var uname = event.protocolData.mqtt.username;     var pwd = event.protocolData.mqtt.password;     var buff = new Buffer(pwd, 'base64');     var passwd = buff.toString('ascii');     switch (passwd) {         case 'test':             callback(null, generateAuthResponse(passwd, 'Allow')); break;         default:             callback(null, generateAuthResponse(passwd, 'Deny'));       } }; // Helper function to generate the authorization response. var generateAuthResponse = function(token, effect) { var authResponse = {}; authResponse.isAuthenticated = true; authResponse.principalId = 'TEST123'; var policyDocument = {}; policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17'; policyDocument.Statement = []; var publishStatement = {}; var connectStatement = {}; connectStatement.Action = ["iot:Connect"]; connectStatement.Effect = effect; connectStatement.Resource = ["arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:client/myClientName"]; publishStatement.Action = ["iot:Publish"]; publishStatement.Effect = effect; publishStatement.Resource = ["arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/telemetry/myClientName"]; policyDocument.Statement[0] = connectStatement; policyDocument.Statement[1] = publishStatement; authResponse.policyDocuments = [policyDocument]; authResponse.disconnectAfterInSeconds = 3600; authResponse.refreshAfterInSeconds = 300; return authResponse; }

The preceding Lambda function returns the following JSON when it receives the expected password of test in the MQTT Connect message. The values of the password and principalId properties will be the values from the MQTT Connect message.

{ "password": "password", "isAuthenticated": true, "principalId": "principalId", "policyDocuments": [ { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "iot:Connect", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }, { "Action": "iot:Publish", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:accountId:topic/telemetry/${iot:ClientId}" }, { "Action": "iot:Subscribe", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:accountId:topicfilter/telemetry/${iot:ClientId}" }, { "Action": "iot:Receive", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:accountId:topic/telemetry/${iot:ClientId}" } ] } ], "disconnectAfterInSeconds": 3600, "refreshAfterInSeconds": 300 }