Create and manage jobs by using the AWS Management Console - AWS IoT Core

Create and manage jobs by using the AWS Management Console

To create a job

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and log in to the AWS IoT console.

  2. On the left navigation pane, under the Manage section, choose Remote Actions, and then choose Jobs.

  3. On the Jobs page in the Jobs dialog box, choose Create job.

  4. Depending on the device that you're using, you can create a custom job, a FreeRTOS OTA update job, or an AWS IoT Greengrass job. For this example, choose Create a custom job. Choose Next.

  5. On the Custom job properties page, in the Job properties dialog box, enter your information for the following fields:

    • Name: Enter a unique, alphanumeric job name.

    • Description - optional: Enter an optional description about your Job.

    • Tags - optional:


    We recommend that you don't use personally identifiable information in your job IDs and description.

    Choose Next.

  6. On the File configuration page in the Job targets dialog box, select the Things or Thing groups that you want to run this job.

    In the Job document dialog box, select one of the following options:

    • From file: A JSON job file you previously uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket

      • Code signing

        In the job document located in your Amazon S3 URL, ${aws:iot:code-sign-signature:s3://region.bucket/code-file@code-file-version-id} is required as a placeholder until it is replaced with the signed code file path using your Code signing profile. The new signed code file will initially appear in a SignedImages folder in your Amazon S3 source bucket. A new job document containing a Codesigned_ prefix will be created with the signed code file path replacing the code-sign placeholder and placed in your Amazon S3 URL for creating a new job.

      • Pre-sign resource URLs

        In the Pre-signing role drop down, choose the IAM role you created in Presigned URLs. Using ${aws:iot:s3-presigned-url: to presign URLs for objects located in Amazon S3 is a best security practice for devices downloading objects from Amazon S3.

        If you want to use presigned URLs for a code signing placeholder, use the following example template:

        ${aws:iot:s3-presigned-url:${aws:iot:code-sign-signature:<S3 URL>}
    • From template: A job template containing a job document and job configurations. The job template can be a custom job template you created or an AWS managed template.

      If you're creating a job for performing frequently used remote actions such as rebooting your device, you can use an AWS managed template. These templates have already been preconfigured for use. For more information, see Create a custom job template and Create custom job templates from managed templates.

  7. On the Job configuration page in the Job configuration dialog box, select one of the following job types:

    • Snapshot job: A snapshot job is complete when it's finished its run on the target devices and groups.

    • Continuous job: A continuous job applies to thing groups and runs on any device that you later add to a specified target group.

  8. In the Additional configurations - optional dialog box, review the following optional Job configurations and make your selections accordingly:

    • Rollout configuration

    • Scheduling configuration

    • Job executions timeout configuration

    • Job executions retry configuration - new

    • Abort configuration

    Refer to the following sections for additional information on Job configurations:

    Review all of your job selections and then choose Submit to create your job.

After you create the job, the console generates a JSON signature and places it in your job document. You can use the AWS IoT console to view the status, cancel, or delete a job. To manage jobs, go to the Job hub of the console.