Self-managed certificate signing using AWS IoT Core certificate provider
You can create an AWS IoT Core certificate provider to sign certificate signing requests
(CSRs) in AWS IoT fleet provisioning. A certificate provider references a Lambda function
and the CreateCertificateFromCsr
MQTT API for fleet provisioning.
The Lambda function accepts a CSR and returns a signed client certificate.
When you don't have a certificate provider with your AWS account, the CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API is called in fleet provisioning to generate the certificate from a CSR. After you create a certificate provider, the behavior of the CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API will change and all calls to this MQTT API will invoke the certificate provider to issue the certificate.
With AWS IoT Core certificate provider, you can implement solutions that utilize private certificate authorities (CAs) such as AWS Private CA, other publicly trusted CAs, or your own Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to sign the CSR. In addition, you can use certificate provider to customize your client certificate's fields such as validity periods, signing algorithms, issuers, and extensions.
You can only create one certificate provider per AWS account. The signing behavior change applies to the entire fleet that calls the CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API until you delete the certificate provider from your AWS account.
In this topic:
How self-managed certificate signing works in fleet provisioning
Key concepts
The following concepts provide details that can help you understand how self-managed certificate signing works in AWS IoT fleet provisioning. For more information, see Provisioning devices that don't have device certificates using fleet provisioning.
- AWS IoT fleet provisioning
With AWS IoT fleet provisioning (short for fleet provisioning), AWS IoT Core generates and securely delivers device certificates to your devices when they connect to AWS IoT Core for the first time. You can use fleet provisioning to connect devices that don't have device certificates to AWS IoT Core.
- Certificate signing request (CSR)
In the process of fleet provisioning, a device makes a request to AWS IoT Core through the fleet provisioning MQTT APIs. This request includes a certificate signing request (CSR), which will be signed to create a client certificate.
- AWS managed certificate signing in fleet provisioning
AWS managed is the default setting for certificate signing in fleet provisioning. With AWS managed certificate signing, AWS IoT Core will sign CSRs using its own CAs.
- Self-managed certificate signing in fleet provisioning
Self-managed is another option for certificate signing in fleet provisioning. With self-managed certificate signing, you create an AWS IoT Core certificate provider to sign CSRs. You can use self-managed certificate signing to sign CSRs with a CA generated by AWS Private CA, other publicly trusted CA, or your own Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
- AWS IoT Core certificate provider
AWS IoT Core certificate provider (short for certificate provider) is a customer-managed resource that's used for self-managed certificate signing in fleet provisioning.
The following diagram is a simplified illustration of how self-certificate signing works in AWS IoT fleet provisioning.

When a new IoT device is manufactured or introduced to the fleet, it needs client certificates to authenticate itself with AWS IoT Core.
As part of the fleet provisioning process, the device makes a request to AWS IoT Core for client certificates through the fleet provisioning MQTT APIs. This request includes a certificate signing request (CSR).
AWS IoT Core invokes the certificate provider and passes the CSR as input to the provider.
The certificate provider takes the CSR as input and issues a client certificate.
For AWS managed certificate signing, AWS IoT Core signs the CSR using its own CA and issues a client certificate.
With the issued client certificate, the device will continue the fleet provisioning and establish a secure connection with AWS IoT Core.
Certificate provider Lambda function input
AWS IoT Core sends the following object to the Lambda function when a device registers
with it. The value of certificateSigningRequest
is the CSR in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format that's provided in the
request. The principalId
the ID of the principal used to connect to AWS IoT Core when making the
request. clientId
is the
client ID set for the MQTT connection.
{ "certificateSigningRequest": "string", "principalId": "string", "clientId": "string" }
Certificate provider Lambda function return value
The Lambda function must return a response that contains the
value. The following is an example of a successful
response. AWS IoT Core will use the return value (certificatePem
) to create
the certificate.
{ "certificatePem": "string" }
If the registration is successful, CreateCertificateFromCsr
return the same certificatePem
in the
response. For more information, see the
response payload example of CreateCertificateFromCsr.
Example Lambda function
Before creating a certificate provider, you must create a Lambda function to sign a
CSR. The following is an example Lambda function in Python. This function calls AWS Private CA
to sign the input CSR, using a private CA and the SHA256WITHRSA
algorithm. The returned client certificate will be valid for one year. For more
information about AWS Private CA and how to create a private CA, see What is AWS Private CA? and Creating a private CA.
import os import time import uuid import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): ca_arn = os.environ['CA_ARN'] csr = (event['certificateSigningRequest']).encode('utf-8') acmpca = boto3.client('acm-pca') cert_arn = acmpca.issue_certificate( CertificateAuthorityArn=ca_arn, Csr=csr, Validity={"Type": "DAYS", "Value": 365}, SigningAlgorithm='SHA256WITHRSA', IdempotencyToken=str(uuid.uuid4()) )['CertificateArn'] # Wait for certificate to be issued time.sleep(1) cert_pem = acmpca.get_certificate( CertificateAuthorityArn=ca_arn, CertificateArn=cert_arn )['Certificate'] return { 'certificatePem': cert_pem }
Certificates returned by the Lambda function must have the same subject name and public key as the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
The Lambda function must finish running in 5 seconds.
The Lambda function must be in the same AWS account and Region as the certificate provider resource.
The AWS IoT service principal must be granted the invoke permission to the Lambda function. To avoid confused deputy issues, we recommend that you set
for the invoke permissions. For more information, see Cross-service confused deputy prevention.
The following resource-based policy example for Lambda grants AWS IoT the permission to invoke the Lambda function:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": "InvokePermission", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "LambdaAllowIotProvider", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction", "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "AWS:SourceAccount": "123456789012" }, "ArnLike": { "AWS:SourceArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:certificateprovider:my-certificate-provider" } } } ] }
Self-managed certificate signing for fleet provisioning
You can choose self-managed certificate signing for fleet provisioning using AWS CLI or AWS Management Console.
To choose self-managed certificate signing, you must create an AWS IoT Core
certificate provider to sign CSRs in fleet provisioning. AWS IoT Core invokes the
certificate provider, which takes a CSR as input and returns a client
certificate. To create a certificate provider, use the
API operation or the
CLI command.
After you create a certificate provider, the behavior of CreateCertificateFromCsr
API for fleet
provisioning will change so that all calls to
will invoke the certificate
provider to create the certificates. It can take a few minutes for this
behavior to change after a certificate provider is created.
aws iot create-certificate-provider \ --certificateProviderName
\ --lambdaFunctionArnarn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function-1
\ --accountDefaultForOperations CreateCertificateFromCsr
The following shows an example output for this command:
{ "certificateProviderName": "my-certificate-provider", "certificateProviderArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:certificateprovider:my-certificate-provider" }
For more information, see CreateCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT
API Reference.
To choose self-managed certificate signing using AWS Management Console, follow the steps:
Go to the AWS IoT console
. On the left navigation, under Security, choose Certificate signing.
On the Certificate signing page, under Certificate signing details, choose Edit certificate signing method.
On the Edit certificate signing method page, under Certificate signing method, choose Self-managed.
In the Self-managed settings section, enter a name for certificate provider, then create or choose a Lambda function.
Choose Update certificate signing.
AWS CLI commands for certificate provider
Create certificate provider
To create a certificate provider, use the CreateCertificateProvider
API operation or the create-certificate-provider
CLI command.
After you create a certificate provider, the behavior of CreateCertificateFromCsr
API for fleet
provisioning will change so that all calls to
will invoke the certificate provider
to create the certificates. It can take a few minutes for this behavior to
change after a certificate provider is created.
aws iot create-certificate-provider \ --certificateProviderName
\ --lambdaFunctionArnarn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function-1
\ --accountDefaultForOperations CreateCertificateFromCsr
The following shows an example output for this command:
{ "certificateProviderName": "my-certificate-provider", "certificateProviderArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:certificateprovider:my-certificate-provider" }
For more information, see CreateCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT
API Reference.
Update certificate provider
To update a certificate provider, use the UpdateCertificateProvider
API operation or the update-certificate-provider
CLI command.
aws iot update-certificate-provider \ --certificateProviderName
\ --lambdaFunctionArnarn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function-2
\ --accountDefaultForOperations CreateCertificateFromCsr
The following shows an example output for this command:
{ "certificateProviderName": "my-certificate-provider", "certificateProviderArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:certificateprovider:my-certificate-provider" }
For more information, see UpdateCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT API Reference.
Describe certificate provider
To describe a certificate provider, use the
API operation or the
CLI command.
aws iot describe-certificate-provider --certificateProviderName
The following shows an example output for this command:
{ "certificateProviderName": "my-certificate-provider", "lambdaFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function", "accountDefaultForOperations": [ "CreateCertificateFromCsr" ], "creationDate": "2022-11-03T00:15", "lastModifiedDate": "2022-11-18T00:15" }
For more information, see DescribeCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT
API Reference.
Delete certificate provider
To delete a certificate provider, use the DeleteCertificateProvider
API operation or the delete-certificate-provider
CLI command. If you
delete the certificate provider resource, the behavior of
will resume, and AWS IoT will create
certificates signed by AWS IoT from a CSR.
aws iot delete-certificate-provider --certificateProviderName
This command doesn't produce any output.
For more information, see DeleteCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT
API Reference.
List certificate provider
To list the certificate providers within your AWS account, use the
API operation or the
CLI command.
aws iot list-certificate-providers
The following shows an example output for this command:
{ "certificateProviders": [ { "certificateProviderName": "my-certificate-provider", "certificateProviderArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:certificateprovider:my-certificate-provider" } ] }
For more information, see ListCertificateProvider
from the AWS IoT
API Reference.