AWS::SageMaker::InferenceComponent InferenceComponentStartupParameters - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::SageMaker::InferenceComponent InferenceComponentStartupParameters

Settings that take effect while the model container starts up.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The timeout value, in seconds, for your inference container to pass health check by Amazon S3 Hosting. For more information about health check, see How Your Container Should Respond to Health Check (Ping) Requests.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 60

Maximum: 3600

Update requires: No interruption


The timeout value, in seconds, to download and extract the model that you want to host from Amazon S3 to the individual inference instance associated with this inference component.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 60

Maximum: 3600

Update requires: No interruption