Known limitations for the SharePoint (Online) connector - Amazon Q Business

Known limitations for the SharePoint (Online) connector

The SharePoint (Online) connector has the following known limitations:

  • The Amazon Q SharePoint (Online) connector supports custom field mappings only for the Files entity.

  • If an entity name has a % character in its name, the connector will skip these files due to API limitations.

  • OneNote can only be crawled by the connector using a Tenant ID, and with OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0 refresh token, or SharePoint (Online) App Only authentication activated for SharePoint (Online) Online.

  • The connector crawls the first section of a OneNote document using its default name only, even if the document is renamed.

  • The connector crawls event attachments only when Events is also selected as an entity to be crawled.

  • For SharePoint (Online) Online version, the ACL token will be in lower case. For example, if User principal name is in Azure portal, the ACL token in the SharePoint Connector will be For SharePoint (Online), if the user principal name in your Azure Portal is a combination of upper case and lower case, the SharePoint API internally converts the user principal name to lower case.

  • If you want to crawl nested groups using Identity crawler, you have to activate Local as well as AD Group Crawling.

  • The User Principal Name in your Azure Portal is a combination of upper case and lower case, the SharePoint (Online) API internally converts it to lower case. Because of this, the Amazon Q SharePoint (Online) connector sets ACL in lower case.

  • To use Identity Crawler with SharePoint (Online) to crawl nested groups, you have to enable both Local and AD Group Crawling.

  • Query responses based on AD Group ACLs are not supported for SharePoint (Online). You need to add users and groups directly to your document permissions list.